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www.110.com 2010-07-24 13:11



  关键词: “严打” 刑事政策局限性 理性反思


  "strike-hard" campaign " has followed reform and opening-up in the past 20 years of our country and economic construction course as a criminal policy. In the face of the severe public security situation day by day, attack severely the policy and arise at the historic moment, it produces its specific social background and social historical condition 。The severe public security situation is its realistic foundation produced ; The confusion known to the criminal policy are their thought foundations produced ; It is its social base produced that the old idea of the old system has not been dispelled yet; Traditional legal culture is its value foundation produced . True, " "strike-hard" campaign " policy played a active role in suring in practice, but its limitation and negative effect can't be ignored either。Attack severely " destruction to legal system and infringement , this " "strike-hard" campaign " inherent logic contradiction of intension negative effect in legal system obvious severely and quickly in accordance with the law, embody a concentrated reflection of in accordance with the law and severely and quickly between the two getting implacable; "strike-hard" campaign " has made new crime again virtually, the suspect's right is exhausted etc.. "strike-hard" campaign " of our country is based on foundation of ruling by men, it has destroyed the foundation governed by law, have despised the law and procedure , So it builds the negative effect caused in ruling by law it is enormous, even lose more than gain. So, when can " "strike-hard" campaign " get rid of the thinking of ruling by men, deserve the close attention of us even more. " "strike-hard" campaign " is an extraordinary choice under an extraordinary state at first, but the campaign goes on incessantly till now, this indicate " "strike-hard" campaign " policy become one long period of time basic criminal policy of our country already in fact too. Therefore, to " "strike-hard" campaign " it is only an expedient act , Have to propose suspecting .

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