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  [7] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.9~11.

  [8] Cf. Mark Aronson & Bruce Dyer, Judicial Review of Administrative Action, LBC Information Services, 1996, pp.414~415.

  [9] Cf. Yoav Dotan, “Why Administrators Should be Bound by their Policies”(1997) 17 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28.

  [10] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., p.13.

  [11] Cf. Yoav Dotan, “Why Administrator Should be Bound by their Policies”(1997)17 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28.

  [12] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., p.25.

  [13] 更加详细的分析,Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.25~26. Cf. Christopher Forsyth & Rebecca Williams, “Closing Chapter in the Immigrant Children Saga: Substantive Legitimate Expectations and Administrative Justice in Hong Kong”。 当我告诉Forsyth我正在研究合法预期时,他慷慨地将他和Williams刚刚合作完成的、即将发表的这篇论文提供给我参考,在此致谢。

  [14] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.12~13.

  [15] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.28~29.

  [16] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., p.51.

  [17] Cf. P. P. Craig, Administrative Law, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999, pp.618~619.

  [18] Cf. Rabinder Singh, “Making Legitimate Use of Legitimate Expectation”(1994) New Law Journal 1216.

  [19] Cited from C. F. Forsyth, “The Provenance and Protection of Legitimate Expectations”(1988) Cambridge Law Journal 246.

  [20] Cf. Mark Aronson & Bruce Dyer, op. Cit., pp.426~428.

  [21] Cf. Simon France, “Legitimate Expectations in New Zealand”(1990) 14 New Zealand Universities Law Review 142. Cf. Mark Aronson & Bruce Dyer, op. Cit., p.413.

  [22] Cf. P. P. Craig, op. Cit., p.414.

  [23] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., p.60. Cf. de Smith, Woolf & Jowell, Judicial Review of Administrative Action, Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, p.428.

  [24] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.37~38.

  [25] Cf. D. J. Galligan, Due Process and Fair Procedures: A Study of Administrative Procedures, Clarendon Press, 1996, p.321.

  [26] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.50~53.

  [27] Cf. de Smith, Woolf & Jowell, op. Cit., p.410.

  [28] 一个是《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国行政诉讼法〉若干问题的意见(试行)》(已废止),另一个就是《若干问题解释》。

  [29] Cf. Soren J. Schonberg, op. Cit., pp.62~63.

  [30] 该案中原告和他的妻子都定居在英国,想收养一个巴基斯坦的孩子。他去有关部门咨询时,对方给了他一个内政部通知,里面很清楚地规定:对于将被收养、但又无权进入英国的孩子,在例外情况下,如果满足某些条件,内政大臣也可以行使裁量权,作出有利于该孩子的决定。原告就按照上述条件办了,满以为内政大臣会像所预期的那样作出决定,但后者却以别的理由拒绝批准该儿童入境。

  [31] Cf. Robert Thomas, Legitimate Expectations and Proportionality in Administrative Law, Hart Publishing, 2000, p.59. Cf. P. P. Craig, “Substantive Legitimate Expectations in Domestic and Community Law”(1996) Cambridge Law Journal 292.

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