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www.110.com 2010-08-02 17:17


  【英文摘要】Review on the current Legislation of the electromagnetic radiation pollution from macro and micro-level in China. There are many problems, such as: The level of legislation is low. There are little relevant regulations in the basic law of environmental protection. The legislation pertinence is insufficient. There is no special legislation on the level of national legislation. It is hard to confirm the electromagnetic radiation pollution for lacking of standard legislation. Also, it is hard to supervise the electromagnetic radiation pollution for lacking of supervision legislation. The punishment is so uncritical that it is hard to prevent the electromagnetic radiation pollution. It is high time to take the next measures to renovate the legislation, such as: Improving legislation ranks; Making up ; Establishing legal electromagnetic radiation standard system; Paying attention to operability.


  【英文关键词】Electromagnetic radiation pollution; Pollution prevention; Legislation defect; Legislation


  电磁辐射是指以电磁波形式,通过空间传播的能量流。[1] 电磁污染已经成为世界性公害, 世界卫生组织已将其列为继水污染、大气污染、噪声污染之后的第四大污染, 联合国人类环境会议也已将其列为环境保护项目之一[2]电磁辐射污染是指电磁波的干扰强度超过防护标准值的电磁辐射。电磁辐射污染分为天然电磁辐射污染和人为电磁辐射污染两种。电磁辐射污染防治主要针对人为电磁辐射污染。在环境保护领域一般将电磁辐射污染源分为五大类:①广播电视系统发射设备;②通讯、雷达及导航系统无线发射设备;③工业、科学和医疗系统射频设备;④高压电力系统设备;⑤交通系统电磁辐射设备。[3]随着广播电视、移动通信、电力和磁悬浮交通行业的迅速发展,由于工频交变电磁场和射频电磁辐射所带来的电磁辐射污染问题也越来越严重。我国目前的电磁辐射污染防治立法还非常滞后,存在许多缺失,防治电磁辐射污染立法亟待完善。

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