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www.110.com 2010-08-02 17:17


  【英文摘要】As globally common challenges, environmental problem and protection do not rely too much on economic as well as political regime. Countries are likely to learn from each other. European Union embraces a most developed environmental legal system around the world; hence it inevitably becomes an object of reference and transplant within the context of environmental law. However, an prevail notion in the EU Environmental law study is that all the instruments, legislations and running condition are faultless, and this is over-idealistic. This paper, after explicating the latest development of EU environmental law, pays great emphasis on the deficits of rule of environmental law in EU. Then it draws a conclusion on implication of EU environmental law to China not only based on the development but on the deficit analyzed.


  【英文关键词】European Union; Environmental Law; Latest development; deficit



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