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  [12] W. Wade, Administrative Law (4th, Clarendon Press, 1977), p.40.

  [13] W. Wade, Administrative Law (4th, Clarendon Press, 1977), p.40-43. 在第8版中,作者在定义越权原则时,已经不那么强调“制定法赋予的权限”了。对越权原则的这一修正,参见本文第3部分。

  [14] Dawn Oliver, “Is the Ultra vires Rule the Basis of Judicial Review?”, (1987) Public Law 543.

  [15] 在“越权”理论的支持者作出回应前的文章,参见Sir John Laws, “Illegality: The Problem of Jurisdiction”, in M. Supperstone  J. Goudie (eds.), Judicial Review (Butterworths, 1992), p.67; Paul Craig, Administrative Law (3rd, Sweet  Maxwell, 1994), pp.12-17; Barnes Woolf, “Droit Public —— English Style”, (1995) Public Law 57.

  [16] P. Craig, “Ultra Vires and the Foundations of Judicial Review”, (1998) Cambridge Law Journal 63. Also see P. Craig, Administrative Law (4th, Sweet  Maxwell, 1999), pp.12-17.

  [17] 奥利弗检索lexis系统发现,自1975以来20年间,该系统中 1058个案件提到“司法审查”但没有“越权无效”或者“权限(jurisdiction)”,196个案件提到“越权无效”,只有39个案件同时提到 “司法审查”和“越权无效”。Dawn Oliver, “Is the Ultra vires Rule the Basis of Judicial Review?”, (1995) Public Law 543, note 1. 这个结果暗示,“越权无效”原则并没有在司法审查中广泛应用。想一想中国法院书中“违法”一词的出现频率!

  [18] Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374.

  [19] P. Craig, Administrative Law (4th, Sweet  Mxwell, 1999), chap.17, esp. pp.552-577.

  [20] Jeffrey Jowell,, “Of Vires and Vacuums: The Constitutional Context of Judicial Review”, (1999) Public Law 448; “Beyond the Rule of Law: Towards Constitutional Judicial Review”, (2000) Public Law 671.

  [21] R. v. Panel on Take-overs, [1987] 2 WLR 699, at 724. 该案涉及对一个证券交易所的司法审查。这个交易所既非行政机关也没有制定法赋予其权力,却行使规制和惩罚的公共职能。

  [22] Barnes Woolf, “Droit Public —— English Style”, (1995) Public Law 57, at 66.

  [23] John Laws, “Law and Democracy”, (1995) Public Law 72, at 79.

  [24] De Smith, Woolf  Jowell, Principles of Judicial Review (Sweet  Maxwell, 1999), pp.112-113.

  [25] C. Forsyth, “Of Fig Leaves and Fairy Tales: The Ultra Vires Doctrine, the Sovereignty of Parliament and Judicial Review”, (1996) Cambridge Law Journal 122.

  [26] ibid.

  [27] ibid.

  [28] C. Forsyth  M. Elliot, “The Legitimacy of Judicial Review”, (2003) Public Law 286. Also see, M. Elliot, “The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review” (Hart, 2001), p143.

  [29] M. Elliot, The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review (Hart, 2001), pp.4-10.依照爱略特这个逻辑,福赛前面的限定是不必要的。

  [30] C. Forsyth, “Of Fig Leaves and Fairy Tales: The Ultra Vires Doctrine, the Sovereignty of Parliament and Judicial Review”, (1996) Cambridge Law Journal 122.

  [31] 南非1953年的《公共安全法》授权总统在紧急状态下制定紧急条例,而且据此制定的条例任何法院都不得审查。面对1980年代席卷全国的反对种族隔离运动,总统援引该法制定了若干内容含糊的紧急法规,例如新闻记者不得采访、报道和拍摄任何“骚乱”事件和场面。在针对紧急条例的诉讼中,一审法院以紧急条例内容过于含糊以致超越权限为由而宣布其无效。最高法院认为越权原则过于牵强,不能适用,“授权立法内容过于含糊本身就是一个攻击理由,而不必把它看成越权的一种表现”。最高法院的最后结论是,紧急条例虽然内容宽泛,但仍然属于总统权限范围,因而法院不能审查。Staatspresident en andere v. United Democratic Front en ‘n ander 1988(4) SA 830(A)。 判决书原文是用南非荷兰语写的,相关引述和讨论参见C. Forsyth, “Of Fig Leaves and Fairy Tales: The Ultra Vires Doctrine, the Sovereignty of Parliament and Judicial Review”, (1996) Cambridge Law Journal 122.

  [32] ibid.

  [33] P. Craig, “Ultra Vires and the Foundations of Judicial Review”, (1998) Cambridge Law Journal 63; P. Craig, “Competing Models of Judicial Review” , (1999) Public Law 428; P. Craig, Administrative Law (4th, Sweet  Maxwell, 1999), esp. Chap17. Also see, L. Jaffe  E. Henderson, “Judicial Review and the Rule of Law: Historical Origins”, (1965) Law Quarterly Review 345.

  [34] W. Wade, Constitutional Fundamentals (1st, Stevens  Sons, 1980), p.70.

  [35] C. Forsyth, “Of Fig Leaves and Fairy Tales: The Ultra Vires Doctrine, the Sovereignty of Parliament and Judicial Review”, (1996) 55 Cambridge Law Journal 122.

  [36] P. Craig, “Constitutional Foundations, the Rule of Law and Supremacy”, (2003) Public Law 92, at 107-109. 但不是所有人都认同克雷格的温和立场。对议会主权的批评和否定,参见最后部分。

  [37] T. R. S. Allan, “The Constitutional Foundation of Judicial Review: Conceptual Conundrum or Interpretative Inquiry?”, (2002) Cambridge Law Journal 87.

  [38] T. R. S. Allan, Law, Liberty and Justice: The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Clarendon, 1993); Constitutional Justice: A Liberal Theory of the Rule of Law (Oxford, 2001)。

  [39] Sir Stephen Sedley, “Human Rights: A Twenty-first Century Agenda”, (1995) Public Law 386, at 389; and “The Common Law and the Constitution”, in Lord B. Nolan  Sir S. Sedley, “The Making and Remaking of the British Constitution” (1997), p.26.

  [40] J. A. G. Griffith, “The Political Constitution”, (1979) Modern Law Review 1, and “The Common Law and Political Constitution”, (2001) Law Quarterly Review 42.

  [41] T. R. S. Allan, “Constitutional Dialogue and the Justification of Judicial Review”, (2003) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 563.

  [42] T. R. S. Allan, “The Constitutional Foundation of Judicial Review: Conceptual Conundrum or Interpretative Inquiry?” , (2002) Cambridge Law Journal 87.

  [43]  M. Elliot, The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review (Hart, 2001),  pp.252-253. 正如批评者所指出的,这样一来,爱略特所支持的越权理论与传统越权理论已经相去十万八千里了。我们甚至可以认为,他实际上已经抛弃了越权理论。P. Craig  Nicholas Bamforth, “Constitutional Analysis, Constitutional Principle and Judicial Review”, (2001) Public Law 763.

  [44] T. R. S. Allan, “Doctrine and Theory in Administrative Law: An Elusive Quest for the Limits of Jurisdiction”, (2002) Public Law 429.

  [45] 这一原则是欧盟法院在Costa [1964]和Simmenthal [1978]案件中确定的,英国上议院在Factortame (no.2)案件中接受了该原则。See R. v. Secretary of State for Transports, ex parte Factortame Ltd (no.2) [1991] AC 603.

  [46] M. J. Detmold, The Australian Commonwealth: A Fundamental Analysis of Its Constitution  (Law Book Company, 1985), p.97. Detmold是澳大利亚学者,也是澳大利亚学者中批评议会主权的领头人物。

  [47] T. R. S. Allan, Law, Liberty and Justice: The Legal Foundations of British Constitutionalism (Clarendon, 1993), p.10.

  [48] R. Brazier, Constitutional Reform: Reshaping the British Political System (2nd, Oxford, 1998), p.155.

  [49]  韦德评论说,就“前届议会不能拘束后届议会”这一信条而言,议会主权理论在此发生了革命性的变化。W. Wade, “What Has Happened to the Sovereignty of Parliament?”, (1991) Law Quarterly Review 1, and “Sovereignty —Revolution or Evolution”, (1996) Law Quarterly Review 568. Also see, John EEkelaar, “The Death of Parliamentary Sovereignty—A Comment”, (1997) Law Quarterly Review 185. 但克雷格倾向于认为,这只是一个法律解释规则的问题。P. Craig, “Sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament after Factortame”, (1991) Yearbook of European Law 221.

  [50] Alison L. Young, “Judicial Sovereignty and the Human Rights Act 1998”, (2002) Cambridge Law Journal 53.

  [51] Barnes Woolf, “Droit Public —— English Style”, (1995) Public Law 57, at 69.

  [52] John Laws, “Law and Democracy”, (1995) Public Law 72, at 87, 92. Also see, “The Constitution, Morals and Rights” (1996) Public Law 622, at 635.

  [53] 为议会主权的最新辩护,参见Jeffrey Goldsworthy, The Sovereignty of Parliament: History and Philosophy (Clarendon, 1999)。

  [54] “Blunkett to fight asylum ruling” (Feb 20, 2001 ), ; “BBC Breakfast with Frost” (Nov 18, 2001), . 但是,当上诉法院宣布维持高等法院的判决后,这位内政大臣谦卑地表示服从,并感谢法院“澄清”了法律规则。“Appeal court upholds asylum ruling”, The Guardian, March 19, 2003.

  [55] R. Cranston, “Reviewing Judicial Review”, in G. Richardson  H. Genn, Administrative Law and Government Action (Oxford, 1994); “Justifying Judicial Review”, used in C. Harlow  R. Rawlings, Law and Administration (Butterworths, 1997), chap 17, and also in M. Elliot, The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial Review (Hart, 2001), chap 1.

  [56] W. Wade, “Constitutional Realities and Judicial Prudence”, in C. Forsyth (ed), Judicial Review and the Constitution (Hart, 2000), p431. 文中提及的“司法浪漫主义驱使下的司法至上主义”的批评,参见Lord Irvine of Lairg, “Judges and Decision-Makers: The Theory and Practice of Wednesbury Review”, (1996) Public Law 59, at 77.

  [57] 这一点我们从他《行政法》导言那饱含激情的文字中不难读出来。W. Wade  C. Forsyth, Administrative Law (8th, Oxford, 2000), pp.1-19. 当韦德第一次提出“行政法的基本原则是越权无效”时,他强调越权原则本身就是普通法的产物:“显然,司法对行政的控制建立在法院固有的管辖权至上,虽然它几乎处处与制定法有关……最终说来,行政法的基础是普通法,它通过具体的法律原则实施法治。”W. Wade, Administrative Law (3rd, Clarendon, 1971), p.51. 在他的宪法原理系列讲座中,韦德甚至说,“凯尔森意义上的基本规则,或者哈特意义上的承认规则,是掌握在法官的手里,并由他们来决定什么样的制定法是有效的……在这个基本问题上,法官才是主权者”。W. Wade, Constitutional Fundamentals (revised ed., Stevens  Sons, 1989), p.33.

  [58] P. Craig, “Ultra Vires and the Foundations of Judicial Review”, (1998) Cambridge Law Journal 63, at 86-7;


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