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www.110.com 2010-07-26 11:31

〔1〕UN document EPCT/A/PV/6(1947),p.4.
〔2〕John H.Jackson.The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding— Misunderstanding on the Nature of Legal Obligation, Editorial Comment: The American Journal of International Law.Vol91,(1997),p.60.
〔5〕Judith H.Bello,supra note44,p419.

注 释:
① 详见GATT1947第19条(对某些产品进口的紧急行动)第3款(a)项,第28条第3款(a)项。
② 一般国际要求指由于一个主权国家的违法行为不受另一个主权国家管辖,因此另一主权国家唯有通过报复加以对抗,而无须经过第三者的批准。
③ WTO协议不仅允许将关税水平提高到谈判以前水平的这种正常方式,还允许将关税水平提高到其所需的水平,然而,大多数双边协议都规定了中止减让的最高水平。

On Retaliation System in Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO
ZHANG Ying-lu

Abstract:Retaliation system in dispute settlement mechanism of WTO in the most distinct part in WTO. It takes important role in the balance of trade in the members of the WTO. There is some limitation in retaliation system in GATT1947 and WTO. In this thesis, on the basis of the analysis of the objective and rules of the retaliation system of the WTO, it sets forth the limitation on theory, and then tries to put up some suggestions.
Key word: Retaliation system ; Dispute settlement system; WTO


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