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www.110.com 2010-07-24 14:02

摘 要:


刑事诉讼 附带民事诉讼 精神损害赔偿

Research of Compensation of Criminal Mental Damage

Abstract: Since long ago, whether does the criminal supplementary civil action allow the victim to the accused person to propose the spirit damage compensate request question, in a legal science theory existence greater dispute, in the present legal framework the civil substantive law has stipulated the spiritual compensation, but Law of Criminal Procedure also denied the spiritual compensation. In the judicial practice has the civil substantive law and the criminal procedural law contradiction, is suitable appears not equally, is disadvantageous obtains the fair treatment to the litigant in the lawsuit activity, harmed the judicature to be fair, also had disobeys the legislation the original intention. Therefore, the author thought must establish the criminal supplementary civil action spirit damage compensates system. Embarked from our country criminal activity supplementary civil action spirit damage compensate system present situation, has analyzed the conflict and the malpractice which in the legislation stipulation, the judicial practice existed, reasonably profited from the English America method and the continental method two big legal systems related laws, further has discussed the anti- actually our country criminal activity supplementary civil action spirit damage compensate establishment present point of law, and proposed established our country criminal activity supplementary civil action spirit damage compensate system the legal basis.

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