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www.110.com 2010-07-08 11:04


  This agreement is made on ¬____ (date) between ____ (name ofshop), herein referred to as "Seller", and ____ (individual)

  Whereas ____ (individual) wishes to sell ____ (description ofitem____ (s)) by consigning said item ____ (s) to ____ (name ofshop) for sale, it is understood:

  That Seller agrees to display item____ (s) in a prominent place inhis establishment.

  That Seller will make every attempt to obtain the best possible pricefor the consigned merchandise and will accept no less than $ ____as purchase price.

  That for his efforts Seller is entitled to retain ____ (percent) of thepurchase price.

  That should a sale be effectuated, Seller shall forward a check forthe amount of the full purchase price less the aforementioned ____(percent) to Consignee within 10 days of the receipt of same.

  That Seller represents that he maintains insurance for theft anddamage, and that the consigned merchandise will be covered bysaid insurance while it is in his possession.

  That Consignee agrees to leave the merchandise with Seller for a minimum of ____ (time).

  That should the merchandise remain unsold at the end of theconsignment period and an election be made by the Consignee toremove said merchandise, any costs incurred by the delivery ofsame to Consignee shall be borne by Consignee.

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