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www.110.com 2010-08-02 17:17


  【英文摘要】The current situation of Chinas rural drinking water protection is very serious. Due to the pollution of drinking water, some areas have caused a marked increase in the types of diseases, which has posed a serious threat to the broad masses of peasants' health. In some rural areas letters about environmental protection are increasing, and due to the water pollution, incidents caused by group are also on the rise, that is affecting rural social stability. In our country, there is a big rural population that of more than 300 million under the safety standards of drinking water, including more than 9000 million unsafe people being drinking polluted water. In this paper, I will talk about the legal protection of rural drinking water sources, specifically on the concept of drinking water in rural areas, the situation, the existing legal provisions and their shortcomings, drawing on the advanced experiences of foreign countries, as well as exploring how to improve legal protection mechanisms to drinking water sources in rural areas.



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