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状态:有效 发布日期:2004-01-18 生效日期: 2004-01-18
发布部门: 审计署办公厅
发布文号: 审办外事发[2004]11号


┃中国政府审计机构      │                                    ┃
┃中华人民共和国审计署    │The National Audit Office of the People''s Republic of China(CNAO)     ┃
┃办公厅           │General Office                             ┃
┃法制司           │Law Department                             ┃
┃财政审计司         │Department of Public Finance Audit                   ┃
┃金融审计司         │Department of Monetary Audit                      ┃
┃行政事业审计司       │Department of Non-profit Government Agencies Audit           ┃
┃经贸审计司         │Department of Trade and Economic Audit                 ┃
┃农业与资源环保审计司    │Departmentof Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Protection Audit ┃
┃社会保障审计司       │Department of Social Security Audit                   ┃
┃固定资产投资审计司     │Department of Fixed Assets Investment Audit               ┃
┃外资运用审计司       │Department of Foreign Funds Application Audit              ┃
经济责任审计司       │Department of Accountability Audit                   ┃
┃外事司           │Department of Foreign Affairs                      ┃
┃人事教育司         │Department of Personnel and Education                  ┃
┃监察局           │Inspection Bureau                            ┃
┃老干部局          │Department of Retirement Affairs                    ┃
┃机关服务局         │Logistics Service Bureau                        ┃
┃计算机技术中心       │IT Centre                                ┃
┃中国审计报社        │China Auditing (newspaper office)                    ┃
┃中国时代经济出版社     │China Morden Economics Publishing House                 ┃
┃审计科研所         │Audit Research Institute                        ┃
┃审计署审计干部培训中心   │CNAO''s Auditors Training Center                     ┃
┃审计署驻(某地)特派办     │CNAO''s (地名汉语拼音)Resident Audit Office                ┃
┃审计署外交外事审计局    │CNAO''s Foreign Affairs Audit Office                  ┃
┃审计署发展计划审计局    │CNAO''s Development and Planning Audit Office              ┃
┃审计署经济审计一局     │CNAO''s Economic Audit Office No.I                   ┃
┃审计署经济审计二局     │CNAO''s Economic Audit Office No.II                   ┃
┃审计署贸易审计局      │CNAO''s Trade Audit Office                       ┃
┃审计署国防工业审计局    │CNAO''s Defense Industry Audit Office                  ┃
┃审计署教育审计局      │CNAO''s Education Audit Office                      ┃
┃审计署科学技术审计局    │CNAO''s Science and Technology Audit Office               ┃
┃审计署政法审计局      │CNAO''s Public Security and Justice Audit Office             ┃
┃审计署民族宗教审计局    │CNAO''s Ethnic and Religious Affairs Audit Office            ┃
┃审计署监察人事审计局    │CNAO''s Supervision and Personnel Audit Office              ┃
┃审计署资源环保审计局    │CNAO''s Resources and Environmental Protection Audit Office       ┃
┃审计署社会保障审计局    │CNAO''s Social Security Audit Office                  ┃
┃审计署建设建材审计局    │CNAO''s Construction and Building Materials Audit Office        ┃
┃审计署交通运输审计局    │CNAO''s Transportation Audit Office                   ┃
┃审计署信息邮政审计局    │CNAO''s Information and Postal Audit Office               ┃
┃审计署农林水审计局     │CNAO''s Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Audit Office     ┃
┃审计署文化体育审计局    │CNAO''s Culture and Sports Audit Office                 ┃
┃审计署卫生药品审计局    │CNAO''s Public Health and Medicine Audit Office             ┃
┃审计署海关审计局      │CNAO''s Customs Audit Office                       ┃
┃审计署经济执法审计局    │CNAO''s Economic Law Enforcement Audit Office              ┃
┃审计署新闻通讯审计局    │CNAO''s Press and Communication Audit Office               ┃
┃审计署旅游侨务审计局    │CNAO''s Tourism and Overseas Chinese Affairs Audit Office        ┃
┃审计署科学工程审计局    │CNAO''s Science and Engineering Audit Office               ┃
┃审计署地震气象审计局    │CNAO''s Seismological and Meteorological Audit Office          ┃
┃(某)市审计局         │(市名汉语拼音) Municipal Audit Office                   ┃
┃(某)省审计厅         │(省名汉语拼音)Provincial Audit Office                   ┃
内蒙古自治区审计厅     │Audit Office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region            ┃
广西壮族自治区审计厅    │Audit Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region            ┃
西藏自治区审计厅      │Audit Office of Tibet Autonomous Region                 ┃
宁夏回族自治区审计厅    │Audit Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region              ┃
新疆维吾尔自治区审计厅   │Audit Office of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region            ┃
┃南京审计学院        │Nanjing Audit University                        ┃
香港特别行政区审计署    │The Audit Commission of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region     ┃
澳门特别行政区审计署    │The Audit Commission of Macau Special Administrative Region       ┃
┃国际性审计会计组织     │                                    ┃
┃世界审计组织        │International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(INTOSAI)     ┃
┃(最高审计机关国际组织)    │                                    ┃
┃亚洲审计组织        │Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Insitutions(ASOSAI)          ┃
┃(最高审计机关亚洲组织)    │                                    ┃
┃世界审计组织大会      │International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions(INCOSAI)       ┃
┃世界审计组织理事会     │Governing Board of INTOSAI                       ┃
┃世界审计组织秘书处     │General Secretariat of INTOSAI                     ┃
┃世界审计组织环境审计工作组 │INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing(WGEA)           ┃
┃世界审计组织环境      │INTOSAI Steering Committee of WGEA(SC)                  ┃
┃审计工作组指导委员会    │                                    ┃
┃世界审计组织计算机审计委员会│INTOSAI Committee on IT Audit                      ┃
┃世界审计组织私营化审计委员会│INTOSAI Working Group on Privatization                 ┃
┃世界审计组织公债委员会   │INTOSAI Public Debt Committee                     ┃
┃世界审计组织发展培训委员会 │INTOSAI Development Initiative(IDI)                    ┃
┃世界审计组织审计标准委员会 │INTOSAI Auditing Standards Committee                  ┃
┃最高审计机关        │Supreme Audit Institution(SAI)                     ┃
┃利马宣言          │Lima Declaration                            ┃
┃国际政府审计杂志      │ International Journal of Government Auditing              ┃
┃联合国外部审计委员会    │UN Board of External Auditors                      ┃
┃欧洲审计院         │European Court of Auditors                       ┃
经济合作组织最高审计机关  │Economic Cooperation Organisation Supreme Audit Institutions(ECOSAI)   ┃
┃欧洲审计组织        │European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(EUROSAI)      ┃
┃非洲审计组织        │African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(AFROSAI)       ┃
┃南太平洋审计组织      │South Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Istitutions(SPASAI)     ┃
┃拉美和加勒比海审计组织   │OrganizationofLatinAmericanandCaribbeanSupremeAuditInstitutions(OLACEFS)┃
┃加勒比海审计组织      │Carribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(CAROSAI)      ┃
┃阿拉伯审计组织       │Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions(ARABOSAI)        ┃
┃(英国)特许公认会计师协会  │the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants(ACCA)        ┃
┃国际内部审计师协会     │Institute of Internal Auditors(IIA)                   ┃
┃国际会计师联合会      │International Federation of Accountants(IFAC)              ┃
┃美国注册会计师协会     │American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA)        ┃
┃信息系统审计与监督协会   │Information Systems Audit and Control Association(ISACA)         ┃
┃德勤会计师事务所      │Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu                        ┃
┃普华永道会计师事务所    │Pricewaterhouse Coopers                         ┃
┃安达信会计师事务所     │Arthur Andersen                             ┃
┃毕马威会计师事务所     │KPMG Peat Marwick                            ┃
┃安永会计师事务所      │Ernst and Young                             ┃
┃中国注册会计师协会     │China Institute of Certified Public Accountants(CICPA)         ┃
┃中国内部审计协会      │Institute of Internal Auditors of China(IIA-China)           ┃
┃中国审计学会        │China Auditing Society                         ┃
┃部分国家最高审计机关    │                                    ┃
┃阿根廷审计长公署      │Office of Auditor General of Argentina                 ┃
┃澳大利亚国家审计署     │Australian National Audit Office                    ┃
┃巴西审计法院        │Brazilian Court of Audit                        ┃
┃加拿大审计长公署      │Office of the Auditor General of Canada                 ┃
┃哥伦比亚主计长公署     │Controller General of Colombia                     ┃
┃埃及中央审计组织      │Central Auditing Organization of Egypt                 ┃
┃法国审计法院        │Court of Audit of France                        ┃
┃格鲁吉亚审计院       │Chamber of Control of Georgia                      ┃
┃德国联邦审计院       │the German Federal Court of Auditors                  ┃
┃印度主计审计长公署     │Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India          ┃
┃意大利审计法院       │Italian Court of Audit                         ┃
┃日本会计检查院       │Board of Audit, Japan                          ┃
┃韩国审计监查院       │Board of Audit and Inspection,Korea                   ┃
┃墨西哥审计署        │Superior Audit Institution of Mexico                  ┃
┃蒙古国家审计署       │Mongolian National Audit Office                     ┃
┃巴基斯坦审计长公署     │Office of the Auditor-General of Pakistan                ┃
┃俄罗斯联邦审计院      │Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation               ┃
┃南非审计长公署       │Office of the Auditor-General of South Africa              ┃
┃泰国审计长公署       │Office of Auditor General of Thailand                  ┃
┃英国国家审计署       │National Audit Office of United Kingdom                 ┃
┃美国联邦审计总署      │General Accounting Office of USA                    ┃
┃越南国家审计署       │The State Audit of Vietnam                       ┃
┃审计词汇     │                    ┃
审计法      │Audit Law, Audit Act          ┃
审计法实施条例  │theImplementaryRules of the Audit law ┃
┃审计标准     │audit criteria,audit standard     ┃
┃审计准则     │auditing standard            ┃
┃审计原则     │auditing principles           ┃
┃审计手册     │audit manual              ┃
┃公认审计准则   │Generally Accepted Auditing Standards ┃
审计法律规范   │audit laws and regulations       ┃
┃审计体制     │audit system              ┃
┃审计权限     │auditpurview; audit jurisdiction;audit ┃
┃         │mandate                 ┃
┃审计职责     │audit responsibility          ┃
┃审计监督     │audit supervision; supervision through ┃
┃         │auditing                ┃
┃审计管辖权    │audit jurisdiction           ┃
┃审计执法     │implementationofauditlawsand regulations┃
┃审计处理     │audit sanction             ┃
┃审计处罚     │audit penalty              ┃
┃依法审计     │conduct auditing in accordance with laws┃
┃审计意见     │audit opinion              ┃
┃审计决定     │audit decision             ┃
┃审计建议     │audit suggestion, audit recommendation ┃
┃复核意见     │conclusion of audit review       ┃
┃审计复议     │audit appeal              ┃
┃审计听证     │audit hearing              ┃
┃审计复核     │audit review              ┃
┃审计战略     │audit strategy             ┃
┃审计计划     │audit plan               ┃
┃审计方案     │auditing program            ┃
┃审计目标     │auditing objective           ┃
┃审计范围     │audit scope               ┃
┃审计内容     │audit coverage             ┃
┃审计结论     │audit conclusion            ┃
┃审计任务     │audit assignments            ┃
┃审计结果     │audit finding              ┃
┃审计报告     │audit report              ┃
┃审计方法     │audit method              ┃
┃审计过程     │auditing process            ┃
┃审计证据     │audit evidence             ┃
┃审计测试     │audit test               ┃
┃审计风险     │audit risk               ┃
┃审计抽样     │audit sampling             ┃
┃审计软件     │audit software             ┃
┃审计程序     │auditing procedures           ┃
┃审计调查     │audit investigation           ┃
┃审计小组     │audit team               ┃
┃审计线索     │audit trail               ┃
┃工作底稿     │working paper              ┃
┃绕过计算机审计  │auditing around the computer      ┃
┃通过计算机审计  │auditing through the computer      ┃
┃计算机辅助审计  │computer-assited audit         ┃
┃信息技术审计   │IT audit                ┃
┃合法性审计    │compliance audit, regularity audit   ┃
┃合规性审计    │compliance audit            ┃
┃综合审计     │comprehensive audit           ┃
┃效益审计     │value for money audit (VFM audit)   ┃
┃绩效审计     │performance audit            ┃
┃财务审计     │financial audit             ┃
┃财务报表审计   │financial statement audit        ┃
┃财务收支审计   │auditoffinancialrevenuesand expenditures┃
┃决算审计     │final account audit           ┃
经济责任审计   │accountability audit          ┃
┃任中经济责任审计 │middle term accountability audit    ┃
┃离任经济责任审计 │term-end accountability audit      ┃
┃管理审计     │management audit            ┃
┃项目审计     │project audit              ┃
┃外部审计     │external audit             ┃
┃内部审计     │internal audit             ┃
┃政府审计     │government audit            ┃
┃联合审计     │joint audit               ┃
┃实地审计     │field audit               ┃
┃期末审计     │final audit               ┃
┃期中审计     │interim audit              ┃
┃定期审计     │periodic audit             ┃
┃初次审计     │initial audit              ┃
┃初步审计     │preliminary audit            ┃
┃事后审计     │post-audit               ┃
┃事前审计     │pre-audit                ┃
┃事中审计     │concurrent audit            ┃
┃专项审计     │special audit              ┃
┃法定审计     │statutory audit             ┃
┃后续审计     │successive audit            ┃
┃跟踪审计     │follow up audit             ┃
┃全过程审计    │whole process auditing         ┃
┃突击审计     │surprise audit             ┃
┃审计报告     │audit report              ┃
┃标准报告     │standard report             ┃
┃长式报告     │long-form report            ┃
┃短式报告     │short-form report            ┃
┃审计工作报告   │audit working report          ┃
┃审计结果公告   │Announcement of Audit Findings     ┃
┃审计长      │Auditor General             ┃
┃副审计长     │Deputy Auditor General         ┃
┃审计主任     │chief auditor              ┃
┃资深审计师    │senior auditor             ┃
┃审计师(员)     │auditor                 ┃
┃注册内部审计师  │certified internal auditor(CIA)     ┃
┃注册公共会计师  │certified public accountant(CPA)    ┃
┃特许会计师    │chartered accountant(CA)        ┃
┃审计经费     │audit funds               ┃
┃审计业务费    │audit operating expense         ┃
┃审计专项经费   │special funds for auditing       ┃

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