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状态:有效 发布日期:2000-10-30 生效日期: 2000-10-30
发布部门: 国家税务总局
发布文号: 国税函(2000)876号

  中华人民共和国国家税务总局          State Administration of Taxation,
            Application for Tax Agreement Treatment with Respect to
            Depository Interest Received by Foreign Resident Individuals
            Application for Tax Agreement Treatment with Respect to
            Depository Interest Received by Foreign Resident Individuals
  _____税务局                                        TO__________Tax Office
  一、申请人事项(Details of claimant):  申请日期(Date for application:y/m/d):______
  |              |                      |                |    国籍    |                |
  |    个人      |    全名Full name     |                |            |                |
  |              |                      |                |Nationality |                |
  |              |-----------|---------------|--------|
  |  Individual  |    住所或居所        |                              |  邮编    |    |
  |              |Domicile or residence |                              |Post code |    |
      二、所得事项(Details of income):
  |              |    支付人名称    |                                                    |
  |              |    Payer's name  |                                                    |
  |    利息      |---------|--------------------------|
  |              |                  |                    |    邮政编码    |            |
  |    Interest  |    地址Address   |                    |                |            |
  |              |                  |                    |    Postcode    |            |
  |              |---------|----------|--------|------|
  |              |    支付金额      |                    |    支付日期    |            |
  |              |Amount of payment |                    |Date of payment |            |
      三、个人在中华人民共和国境内的开户银行(Information of the bank in which the applicantopens an account)
      银行名称(Name of the bank):_________________
      四、适用的税收协定(Tax agreement applicable):
      Paragraph____Article____of the Tax Agreement between the People's Republic of
      China and_______
      I hereby declare that the above statement is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and
                                                          Claimant's signature or seal:_____
      Certificate of resident status of claimant (To be filled out by the competent authority of the
      resident country of the claimant)
   ┃规定,谨证明_____(申请者名称)为_____居民。       ┃
   ┃We certify that _________ (claimant's mame) is a resident of________┃
   ┃within the meaning of Paragraph _________, Article_______of the Tax ┃
   ┃Agreement between __________ and the People's Republic of China.  ┃
   ┃申请人编号:         签署人:     签署日期:     ┃
   ┃Claimant's serial number:   Signature:    Date:        ┃
   ┃                                  ┃
   ┃                       主管税务机关签字或盖章┃
   ┃              Stamp or signature of competent authority┃
      以下由主管税务机关填写(To be filled out by the competent tax office)
  |        收到申请表日期              |            |      审核日期                  |          |
  |  Date receiving the application    |            |    Date of veritication        |          |
  |          审核意见                  |                                                          |
  |    Comment by the verifier         |                                                          |
  |  主办人(签字)Signature by the      |            |      负责人(签字)              |          |
  |        responsible officer         |            |  Signature by the chief officer|          |
                                            主管税务机关盖章(Stamp by the competent tax office)


  Instructions for Filling out the Application for Tax Agreement Treatmentwith Respect to Depository Interest Received by Foreign Resident Individuals
  I. Applicable Scope and procedure for filling out the form
  1.1 This Application is applicable to residents of the countries that have concluded the A-greement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (hereinafter referred to as the 'Tax Agreement')with the People's Republic of China who claim for tax agreement treatment with respect to deposi-tory interest derived in China.
  1.2 This form is to be obtained from the competent tax office and completed by the recipientof depository interest. It enters into force consequent to the verification by and upon aproval fromthe competent tax office.
  II. Explanations for the items in the Application
  2.1 'Details of claimant': 'Domicile of residence' indicates the address of the claimant'sdomicile of residence and the postcode of the place where the claimant is a resident and qualifiesfor tax purpose.
  2.2 'Others': meaning notes necessary by the claimant on the items listed in the Applicationor other additional but necessary remarks.
  2.3 'Stamp by the competent tax office' at the end of the Application means the official stamp bythe tax administration at or above the county or city level or by the affiliated branch thereof that is incharge of the tax affairs in the jurisdiction in which the applicant's tax liability occurs.

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