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状态:有效 发布日期:2006-09-20 生效日期: 2006-09-20
发布部门: 国家质量监督检验检疫总局
发布文号: 国质检通函〔2006〕768号
  《中华人民共和国政府与智利共和国政府自由贸易协定》(以下简称《协定》)已于2005年11月18日正式签署,将于2006年10月1日开始实施。为使我国出口到智利的《协定》项下的产品享受智利给予的关税优惠待遇,自2006年10月1日起,各地出入境检验检疫机构开始签发中国-智利自由贸易区优惠原产地证明书FORM F。现将中国—智利自由贸易区优惠原产地证明书有关签证要求通知如下:   一、中国—智利自由贸易区优惠原产地证明书的签发,限于已公布的《协定》项下智利给予关税优惠的产品(见附件1),这些产品必须符合中国—智利自由贸易区原产地规则(见附件2)及签证操作程序(见附件3),列入产品特定原产地标准清单(见附件4)的,必须符合相应的特定原产地标准。
  六、证书第15栏加盖FORM A签证印章,证书正本和两份副本均需加盖签证印章。
  二〇〇六年九月二十日   附件1:中国—智利自由贸易区智利给惠产品清单
SACH Description Base Rate Offert
0101.10.00 -Pure-bred breeding animals 6 INM
0101.90.11 ---Race horses 6 INM
0101.90.19 ---Other 6 INM
0101.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0102.10.00 -Pure-bred breeding animals 6 INM
0102.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0103.10.00 -Pure-bred breeding animals 6 INM
0103.91.00 --Weighing less than 50 kg 6 INM
0103.92.00 --Weighing 50 kg or more 6 INM
0104.10.10 --Pure-bred breeding animals 6 INM
0104.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0104.20.00 -Goats 6 INM
0105.11.10 ---Breeding animals 6 INM
0105.11.90 ---Other 6 INM
0105.12.00 --Turkeys 6 INM
0105.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0105.92.00 --Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus weighing not more than 2, 000 g 6 INM
0105.93.00 --Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus weighing more than 2, 000 g 6 INM
0105.99.00 --Other 6 INM
0106.11.00 --Primates 6 INM
0106.12.00 --Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and 6 INM
0106.19.10 ---Camelids 6 INM
0106.19.90 ---Other 6 INM
0106.20.00 -Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 6 INM
0106.31.00 --Birds of prey 6 INM
0106.32.00 --Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) 6 INM
0106.39.00 --Other 6 INM
0106.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0201.10.00 -Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0201.20.00 -Other cuts with bone in 6 INM
0201.30.10 --Forequarters 6 INM
0201.30.20 --Hindquarters 6 INM
0201.30.90 --Other 6 INM
0202.10.00 -Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0202.20.00 -Other cuts with bone in 6 INM
0202.30.10 --Forequarters 6 INM
0202.30.20 --Hindquarters 6 INM
0202.30.90 --Other 6 INM
0203.11.00 --Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0203.12.00 --Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in 6 INM
0203.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0203.21.00 --Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0203.22.10 ---Pork chops 6 INM
0203.22.20 ---Ribs 6 INM
0203.22.90 ---Other 6 INM
0203.29.10 ---Fat with an adhering layer of meat 6 INM
0203.29.20 ---Streaky pork interlarded with a high proportion of fat 6 INM
0203.29.30 ---Boneless 6 INM
0203.29.90 ---Other 6 INM
0204.10.00 -Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0204.21.00 --Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0204.22.00 --Other cuts with bone in 6 INM
0204.23.00 --Boneless 6 INM
0204.30.00 -Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen 6 INM
0204.41.00 --Carcasses and half-carcasses 6 INM
0204.42.10 ---Shoulder 6 INM
0204.42.20 ---Leg 6 INM
0204.42.30 ---Saddle 6 INM
0204.42.90 ---Other 6 INM
0204.43.10 ---Tenderloin 6 INM
0204.43.20 ---Loin 6 INM
0204.43.90 ---Other 6 INM
0204.50.00 -Meat of goats 6 INM
0205.00.00 Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen. 6 INM
0206.10.00 -Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0206.21.00 --Tongues 6 INM
0206.22.00 --Livers 6 INM
0206.29.00 --Other 6 INM
0206.30.00 -Of swine, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0206.41.00 --Livers 6 INM
0206.49.10 ---Pig's feet 6 INM
0206.49.20 ---Pig's ears 6 INM
0206.49.90 ---Other 6 INM
0206.80.00 -Other, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0206.90.00 -Other, frozen 6 INM
0207.11.00 --Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0207.12.10 ---Weighing less than 2000 g 6 INM
0207.12.90 ---Other 6 INM
0207.13.00 --Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled 25 INM
0207.14.10 ---Boneless cuts 25 INM
0207.14.21 ---Halves or quarters 25 INM
0207.14.22 ---Breasts and cuts thereof 25 INM
0207.14.23 ---Thighs and cuts thereof 25 INM
0207.14.24 ---Wings 25 INM
0207.14.29 ---Other 25 INM
0207.14.30 ---Offal 25 INM
0207.24.00 --Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0207.25.00 --Not cut in pieces, frozen 6 INM
0207.26.00 --Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled 25 INM
0207.27.10 ---Breasts 25 INM
0207.27.90 ---Other 25 INM
0207.32.00 --Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0207.33.00 --Not cut in pieces, frozen 6 INM
0207.34.00 --Fatty livers, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0207.35.00 --Other, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0207.36.00 --Other, frozen 6 INM
0208.10.00 -Of rabbits or hares 6 INM
0208.20.00 -Frogs' legs 6 INM
0208.30.00 -Of primates 6 INM
0208.40.00 -Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees 6 INM
0208.50.00 -Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 6 INM
0208.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0209.00.10 -Fresh or chilled 6 INM
0209.00.20 -Frozen 6 INM
0209.00.90 -Other 6 INM
0210.11.00 --Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in 6 INM
0210.12.00 --Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof 6 INM
0210.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0210.20.00 -Meat of bovine animals 6 INM
0210.91.00 --Of primates 6 INM
0210.92.00 --Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatee 6 INM
0210.93.00 --Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 6 INM
0210.99.00 --Other 6 INM
0301.10.00 -Ornamental fish 6 INM
0301.91.10 ---For breeding or industrial production 6 INM
0301.91.90 ---Other 6 INM
0301.92.10 ---For breeding or industrial production 6 INM
0301.92.90 ---Other 6 INM
0301.93.10 ---For breeding or industrial production 6 INM
0301.93.90 ---Other 6 INM
0301.99.10 ---For breeding or industrial production 6 INM
0301.99.90 ----Other 6 INM
0302.11.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0302.11.20 ---Headed and gutted  ('HG') 6 INM
0302.11.90 ---Other 6 INM
0302.12.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.12.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.12.19 ---Other 6 INM
0302.12.21 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.12.22 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.12.29 ----Other 6 INM
0302.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0302.21.00 --Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippogloss 6 INM
0302.22.00 --Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 6 INM
0302.23.00 --Sole (Solea spp.) 6 INM
0302.29.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.29.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.29.19 ---Other 6 INM
0302.29.21 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.29.22 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.29.29 ----Other 6 INM
0302.29.90 ----Other 6 INM
0302.31.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0302.31.20 ---Headed and gutted  ('HG') 6 INM
0302.31.90 ---Other 6 INM
0302.32.00 --Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 6 INM
0302.33.00 --Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 6 INM
0302.34.00 --Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) : 6 INM
0302.35.00 --Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus): 6 INM
0302.36.00 --Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) : 6 INM
0302.39.00 --Other 6 INM
0302.40.00 -Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excluding livers and roes 6 INM
0302.50.00 -Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excluding livers and roe 6 INM
0302.61.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.61.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.61.19 ----Other 6 INM
0302.61.90 ---Other 6 INM
0302.62.00 --Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) 6 INM
0302.63.00 --Coalfish (Pollachius virens) 6 INM
0302.64.00 --Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) 6 INM
0302.65.10 ---Sharks (Shortfin mako)  (Isurus Oxyrinchus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca 6 INM
0302.65.90 ---Other 6 INM
0302.66.00 --Eels (Anguilla spp.) 6 INM
0302.69.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.69.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.19 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.21 ----South Pacific hake (Merluccius gayi gayi), whole 6 INM
0302.69.22 ----South Paciific hake (Merluccious gayi gayi) headed and gutted (HG) 6 INM
0302.69.23 ----Patagonian hake (Merluccius australis), whole 6 INM
0302.69.24 ----Patagonian hake (Merluccius australis), headed and gutted (HG) 6 INM
0302.69.29 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.31 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.69.32 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.39 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.40 ---Southern grunt (Cilus gilberti) 6 INM
0302.69.51 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.69.52 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.59 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.61 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.69.62 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.69 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.71 ----Whole 6 INM
0302.69.72 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.79 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.81 ----Golden kingclip (Genypterus blacodes) whole 6 INM
0302.69.82 ----Goden kingclip (Genypterus blacodes) headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.83 ----Other kingclips ((Genypterus chilensis) (Genupterus maculatus), whole 6 INM
0302.69.84 ----Other kingclips (Genypterus chilensis) (Genupterus maculatus), headed and 6 INM
0302.69.89 ----Other 6 INM
0302.69.91 ----White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser 6 INM
0302.69.92 ----White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser 6 INM
0302.69.93 ----Hake or patagonian grenadier or patagonian whisp-hake (Macruronus magellan 6 INM
0302.69.94 ----Hake or patagonian grenadier or patagonian whisp-hake (Macruronus magellan 6 INM
0302.69.95 ----Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), whole 6 INM
0302.69.96 ----Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0302.69.99 ---Other 6 INM
0302.70.00 -Livers and roes 6 INM
0303.11.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0303.11.20 ---Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.11.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.19.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0303.19.20 ---Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.19.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.21.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0303.21.20 ---Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.21.30 ---Cuts 6 INM
0303.21.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.22.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0303.22.20 ---Headed and gutted (HG) 6 INM
0303.22.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.29.00 --Other 6 INM
0303.31.00 --Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippogloss 6 INM
0303.32.00 --Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 6 INM
0303.33.00 --Sole (Solea spp.) 6 INM
0303.39.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.39.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.39.19 ----Other 6 INM
0303.39.21 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.39.22 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.39.29 ----Other 6 INM
0303.39.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.41.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0303.41.20 ---Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.41.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.42.00 --Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 6 INM
0303.43.00 --Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 6 INM
0303.44.00 --Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) 6 INM
0303.45.00 --Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus) 6 INM
0303.46.00 --Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) 6 INM
0303.49.00 --Other 6 INM
0303.50.00 -Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), excluding livers and roes 6 INM
0303.60.00 -Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), excluding livers and roe 6 INM
0303.71.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.71.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.71.19 ----Other 6 INM
0303.71.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.72.00 --Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) 6 INM
0303.73.00 --Coalfish (Pollachius virens) 6 INM
0303.74.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.74.19 ----Other 6 INM
0303.74.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.75.10 ---Sharks (Shortfin mako)  (Isurus Oxyrinchus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca 6 INM
0303.75.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.76.00 --Eels (Anguilla spp.) 6 INM
0303.77.00 --Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) 6 INM
0303.78.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.78.12 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.78.19 ----Other 6 INM
0303.78.21 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.78.22 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.78.29 ----Other 6 INM
0303.78.90 ---Other 6 INM
0303.79.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.79.12 ---Headed and gutted 'HG' 6 INM
0303.79.19 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.21 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.79.22 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.29 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.31 ----Golden kingclip (Genypterus blacodes) whole 6 INM
0303.79.32 ----Goden kingclip (Genypterus blacodes) headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.33 ----Other kingclips, whole 6 INM
0303.79.34 ----Other kingclips, headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.35 ----Warehou (Seriolella violacea) Seriolella caerulea) (Seriolella punctata), 6 INM
0303.79.36 ----Warehou (Seriolella violacea) Seriolella caerulea) (Seriolella punctata), 6 INM
0303.79.37 ----Red cods (Tadpole mora) (Salilota australis) , whole 6 INM
0303.79.38 ----Red cods (Tadpole mora) (Salilota australis), headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.39 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.40 ---Southern grunt (Cilus gilberti) 6 INM
0303.79.51 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.79.52 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.59 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.60 ----Skate (Raja spp.) 6 INM
0303.79.71 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.79.72 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.79 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.81 ----Whole 6 INM
0303.79.82 ----Headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.83 ----Trunk 6 INM
0303.79.89 ----Other 6 INM
0303.79.91 ----Slender alfonsino (Beryx splendens), whole 6 INM
0303.79.92 ----Orange roughy (Hoplothethus atlanticus), whole 6 INM
0303.79.93 ----Hake or Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus, whole 6 INM
0303.79.94 ---Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), whole 6 INM
0303.79.95 ---Sourthern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0303.79.99 ---Other 6 INM
0303.80.10 --Of Pacific salmon, of Atlantic salmon, of Danube salmon 6 INM
0303.80.20 --Of  trout 6 INM
0303.80.30 --Of hake (Merluccius spp.) 6 INM
0303.80.90 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.11 ---Fish fillets 6 INM
0304.10.19 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.20 --Sharks (Shortfin mako)  (Isurus Oxyrinchus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca) 6 INM
0304.10.31 ---Patagonian toothfish fillets  (Dissostichus eleginoides) 6 INM
0304.10.32 ---Fillets of Juan Fernández wreckfish; hapuku (Polyprion oxygeneios) 6 INM
0304.10.39 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.41 ---Fish fillets of hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) 6 INM
0304.10.42 ---Fish fillets of Patagonian hake (Merluccious australis) 6 INM
0304.10.49 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.51 ---Fillets of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Onco 6 INM
0304.10.52 ---Filets of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) 6 INM
0304.10.59 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.61 --- Fillets 6 INM
0304.10.69 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.71 ---Fillets of sardines (Sardinops sagax) 6 INM
0304.10.72 ---Fillets of Jack mackerel (Trackurus murphyi) 6 INM
0304.10.73 ---Fillets of mackerel (Scomber japonicus peruana) 6 INM
0304.10.79 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.81 ---Fish fillets 6 INM
0304.10.89 ---Other 6 INM
0304.10.91 ---Fillets of hake or patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magallanicus) 6 INM
0304.10.92 ---Fillets of Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) 6 INM
0304.10.99 ---Other 6 INM
0304.20.10 --Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) 6 INM
0304.20.20 --Sharks (Shortfin mako)  (Isurus Oxyrinchus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca) 6 INM
0304.20.31 ---Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) 6 INM
0304.20.32 ---Juan Fernández wreckfish; hapuku ( Polyprion oxygeneios) 6 INM
0304.20.41 ---Hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) 6 INM
0304.20.42 ---Southern blue whiting (Merluccius  australis) 6 INM
0304.20.49 ---Other 6 INM
0304.20.51 ---Pacific salmon 6 INM
0304.20.52 ---Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) 6 INM
0304.20.60 --Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus 6 INM
0304.20.71 ---Sardine (Sardinops sagax) 6 INM
0304.20.72 ---Jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) 6 INM
0304.20.73 ---Mackerel  (Scomber japonicus peruanus) 6 INM
0304.20.79 ---Other 6 INM
0304.20.80 --Kingclip (Genypterus chilensis) (Genypterus blacodes) (Genypterus maculatus) 6 INM
0304.20.91 ---Sardine (Clupea bentincki) 6 INM
0304.20.92 ---Hake or patagonian grenadier 6 INM
0304.20.93 ---Southern blue whiting  (Micromesistius australis) 6 INM
0304.20.99 ---Other 6 INM
0304.90.10 --Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) 6 INM
0304.90.20 --Sharks (Shortfin mako)  (Isurus Oxyrinchus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca) 6 INM
0304.90.31 ---Cuts 6 INM
0304.90.32 ---Barbels (cocochas) 6 INM
0304.90.33 ---Other Patagonian toothfish meat (Dissostichus eleginoides) 6 INM
0304.90.34 ---Other  Juan Fernández wreckfish meat; hapuku meat( Polyprion oxygeneios) 6 INM
0304.90.41 ---Hake surimi (Merluccius gayi gayi) 6 INM
0304.90.42 ---Cuts 6 INM
0304.90.43 ---Barbels (cocochas) 6 INM
0304.90.44 ---Other South Pacific hake meat  (Merluccius gayi gayi) 6 INM
0304.90.45 ---Other Southern blue whiting meat (Merluccius  australis) 6 INM
0304.90.49 ---Other 6 INM
0304.90.51 ---Cuts 6 INM
0304.90.52 ---Other Pacific salmon meat 6 INM
0304.90.53 ---Other Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon meat 6 INM
0304.90.61 ---Cuts 6 INM
0304.90.62 ---Other trout meat 6 INM
0304.90.71 ---Jack mackerel surimi (Trachurus murphyi) 6 INM
0304.90.72 ---Other sardine meats (Sardinops sagax) 6 INM
0304.90.73 ---Other jack mackerel meats (Trachurus murphyi) 6 INM
0304.90.79 ---Other 6 INM
0304.90.81 ---Cuts 6 INM
0304.90.89 ---Other 6 INM
0304.90.91 ---Other Sardine (Clupea bentincki) meats 6 INM
0304.90.92 ---Other hake or patagonian granadier meats (Macruronus magallanicus) 6 INM
0304.90.93 ---Other Southern blue whiting  (Micromesistius australis) meats 6 INM
0304.90.99 ---Other 6 INM
0305.10.00 -Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption 6 INM
0305.20.10 --Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhyncus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta 6 INM
0305.20.20 --Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhyncus mykiss,  Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus 6 INM
0305.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0305.30.10 --Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhyncus keta 6 INM
0305.30.20 --Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhyncus mykiss,  Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus 6 INM
0305.30.30 -Jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) 6 INM
0305.30.40 --Anchovy (Engraulis spp.) 6 INM
0305.30.50 --Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) 6 INM
0305.30.60 --Juan Fernández wreckfish; hapuku ( Polyprion oxygeneios) 6 INM
0305.30.90 --Other 6 INM
0305.41.10 ---Pacific salmon, whole 6 INM
0305.41.20 ---Pacific salmon, headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0305.41.30 ---Fillets of Pacific Salmon 6 INM
0305.41.40 ---Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon, whole 6 INM
0305.41.50 ---Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon, headed and gutted ('HG') 6 INM
0305.41.60 ---Fillets of Atlantic salmon and Danube Salmon 6 INM
0305.41.90 ---Other 6 INM
0305.42.00 --Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) 6 INM
0305.49.11 ----Whole 6 INM
0305.49.12 ----Headed and gutted 'HG' 6 INM
0305.49.13 ----Fillets 6 INM
0305.49.19 ----Other 6 INM
0305.49.90 ---Other 6 INM
0305.51.00 --Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) 6 INM
0305.59.10 ---Shark fins 6 INM
0305.59.90 ---Other 6 INM
0305.61.00 --Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) 6 INM
0305.62.00 --Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) 6 INM
0305.63.00 --Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) 6 INM
0305.69.10 ---Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon 6 INM
0305.69.20 ---Trout 6 INM
0305.69.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.11.10 ---Spiny lobster (Panulirus pascuensis) 6 INM
0306.11.20 ---Juan Fernández spiny lobster (Jasus frontalis) 6 INM
0306.11.30 ---Valparaíso spiny lobster or small lobster (Projasus bahamondei) 6 INM
0306.11.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.12.00 --Lobsters (Homarus spp.) 6 INM
0306.13.11 ----Chilean nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi) 6 INM
0306.13.12 ----Ecuadorian shrimp 6 INM
0306.13.13 ----Northern chilean shrimp (Cryphiops caementarius) 6 INM
0306.13.19 ----Other 6 INM
0306.13.21 ----Squat lobster or Yellow Langoustines (Cerimunida johni) 6 INM
0306.13.22 ----Squat lobster or Red langoustines or carrob squat lobster (Pleurocondes mo 6 INM
0306.13.29 ----Other 6 INM
0306.13.91 ----Prawns  or deep water prawn or chilean nailon shrimp (Haliporoides diomede 6 INM
0306.13.99 ----Other 6 INM
0306.14.10 ---Crabs (species: Cancer spp, Cancer porteri, Cancer edwardsi, Homalaspis pla 6 INM
0306.14.21 ----Southern king crab (Lithodes anttarcticus) 6 INM
0306.14.22 ----Deep water king crab (Lithodes spp.) 6 INM
0306.14.23 ----Snow crab or Tuberculate king crab (Paralomis granulosa) 6 INM
0306.14.24 ----False king crab (Paralomis spp.) 6 INM
0306.14.29 ----Other 6 INM
0306.14.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.19.10 ---Flour, meals and 'pellets' of crustaceans shell, fit for human consumption 6 INM
0306.19.20 ---Other crustaceans 6 INM
0306.19.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.21.10 ---Spiny lobster (Panulirus pascuensis) 6 INM
0306.21.20 ---Juan Fernández spiny lobster (Jasus frontalis) 6 INM
0306.21.30 ---Valparaíso spiny lobster or small lobster (Projasus bahamondei) 6 INM
0306.21.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.22.00 --Lobsters (Homarus spp.) 6 INM
0306.23.11 ----Chilean nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi) 6 INM
0306.23.12 ----Ecuadorian shrimp 6 INM
0306.23.13 ----Northern chilean shrimp (Cryphiops caementarius) 6 INM
0306.23.19 ----Other 6 INM
0306.23.21 ----Squat lobster or Yellow Langoustines (Cerimunida johni) 6 INM
0306.23.22 ----Squat lobster or Red langoustines or carrob squat lobster (Pleurocondes mo 6 INM
0306.23.29 ----Other 6 INM
0306.23.91 ----Prawns  or deep water prawn or chilean nailon shrimp (Haliporoides diomede 6 INM
0306.23.99 ----Other 6 INM
0306.24.10 ---Crabs (species: Cancer spp, Cancer porteri, Cancer edwardsi, Homalaspis pla 6 INM
0306.24.21 ----Southern king crab (Lithodes anttarcticus) 6 INM
0306.24.22 ----Deep water king crab (Lithodes spp.) 6 INM
0306.24.23 ----Snow crab or Tuberculate king crab (Paralomis granulosa) 6 INM
0306.24.24 ----False king crab (Paralomis spp.) 6 INM
0306.24.29 ----Other 6 INM
0306.24.90 ---Other 6 INM
0306.29.10 ---Flour, meals and 'pellets' of crustaceans shell, fit for human consumption 6 INM
0306.29.20 ---Other crustaceans 6 INM
0306.29.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.10.11 ---Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.10.12 ---Frozen 6 INM
0307.10.19 ---Other 6 INM
0307.10.21 ---Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.10.22 ---Frozen 6 INM
0307.10.29 ---Other 6 INM
0307.10.91 ---Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.10.92 ---Frozen 6 INM
0307.10.99 ---Other 6 INM
0307.21.10 ---Northern Scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) 6 INM
0307.21.20 ---Southern Scallops (Chlamys patagonica) 6 INM
0307.21.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.29.11 ----Frozen 6 INM
0307.29.19 ----Other 6 INM
0307.29.21 ----Frozen 6 INM
0307.29.29 ----Other 6 INM
0307.29.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.31.00 --Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.39.00 --Other 6 INM
0307.41.00 --Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.49.10 --- Frozen squid (Ommastrephes spp.) 6 INM
0307.49.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.51.00 --Live, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0307.59.10 ---Frozen 6 INM
0307.59.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.60.00 -Snails, other than sea snails 6 INM
0307.91.10 ---Clams, hard shell clam  (Protothaca thaca) (Ameghinomya antiqua) 6 INM
0307.91.20 ---Pink clam, soft clam (Mesodesma donacium) (Solen macha) 6 INM
0307.91.30 ---Chilean abalone or false abalone (Concholepas concholepas) 6 INM
0307.91.40 ---Snails 6 INM
0307.91.60 ---Sea urchin gonads ('tongues') (Loxechinus albus) 6 INM
0307.91.90 ---Other 6 INM
0307.99.10 ---Clams, hard shell clam  (Protothaca thaca) (Ameghinomya antiqua) 6 INM
0307.99.20 ---Pink clams, soft clam (Mesodesma donacium) (Solen macha) 6 INM
0307.99.31 ----Frozen 6 INM
0307.99.39 ----Other 6 INM
0307.99.40 ----Snails 6 INM
0307.99.50 ---Limpets (Fissurella spp) 6 INM
0307.99.61 ----Frozen 6 INM
0307.99.69 ----Other 6 INM
0307.99.70 ---Chilean semele or Tumbao (Semele solida) 6 INM
0307.99.80 ---Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) 6 INM
0307.99.90 ---Other 6 INM
0401.10.00 -Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1 % 6 INM
0401.20.00 -Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1 % but not exceeding 6 % 6 INM
0401.30.10 --Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% but not exceeding 12% 6 INM
0401.30.20 --Of a fat content, by weight, of 12% 6 INM
0401.30.30 --Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 12% but not exceeding 26% 6 INM
0401.30.40 --Of a fat content, by weight, of 26% 6 INM
0401.30.90 --Other 6 INM
0402.10.00 -In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not ex 6 INM
0402.21.11 ----Of a fat content exceeding 1.5% but not exceeding 6% 6 INM
0402.21.12 ----Of a fat content exceeding 6% but not exceeding 12% 6 INM
0402.21.13 ----Of a fat content of 12% 6 INM
0402.21.14 ----Of a fat content exceeding 12% but not exceeding 18% 6 INM
0402.21.15 ----Of a fat content of 18% 6 INM
0402.21.16 ----Of a fat content exceeding 18% but not exceeding 24% 6 INM
0402.21.17 ----Of a fat content of 24% but not exceeding 26% 6 INM
0402.21.18 ----Of a fat content of 26% and more 6 INM
0402.21.20 ---Cream 6 INM
0402.29.11 ----Of a fat content exceeding 1.5% but not exceeding 6% 6 INM
0402.29.12 ----Of a fat content exceeding 6% but not exceeding 12% 6 INM
0402.29.13 ----Of a fat content of 12% 6 INM
0402.29.14 ----Of a fat content of 12% but not exceeding 18% 6 INM
0402.29.15 ----Of a fat content of 18% 6 INM
0402.29.16 ----Of a fat content exceeding 18% but not exceeding 24% 6 INM
0402.29.17 ----Of a fat content of 24% but not  exceeding 26% 6 INM
0402.29.18 ----Of a fat content of 26% and more 6 INM
0402.29.20 ---Cream 6 INM
0402.91.10 ---Milk, whether in liquid or semi-solid form 6 INM
0402.91.20 ---Cream 6 INM
0402.99.10 ---Condensed milk 6 INM
0402.99.90 ---Other 6 INM
0403.10.10 --Containing added fruit 6 INM
0403.10.20 --Containing added cereal 6 INM
0403.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0403.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0404.10.00 -Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar 6 INM
0404.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0405.10.00 -Butter 6 INM
0405.20.00 -Dairy spreads 6 INM
0405.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0406.10.10 --Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese 6 INM
0406.10.20 --Cream cheese 6 INM
0406.10.30 --Mozzarella cheese 6 INM
0406.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0406.20.00 -Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds 6 INM
0406.30.00 -Processed cheese, not grated or powdered 6 INM
0406.40.00 -Blue-veined cheese 6 INM
0406.90.10 --Gouda and Gouda-type cheese 6 INM
0406.90.20 --Cheddar and Cheddar-type cheese 6 INM
0406.90.30 --Edam and Edam-type cheese 6 INM
0406.90.40 --Parmesan and Parmesan-type cheese 6 INM
0406.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0407.00.10 -For consumption 6 INM
0407.00.90 -Other 6 INM
0408.11.00 --Dried 6 INM
0408.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0408.91.00 --Dried 6 INM
0408.99.00 --Other 6 INM
0409.00.00 Natural honey. 6 INM
0410.00.00 Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included. 6 INM
0501.00.00 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair. 6 INM
0502.10.00 -Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste thereof 6 INM
0502.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0503.00.00 Horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or withou 6 INM
0504.00.10 -Guts, salted or in brine 6 INM
0504.00.20 -Stomachs, frozen 6 INM
0504.00.90 -Other 6 INM
0505.10.00 -Feathers of a kind used for stuffing; down 6 INM
0505.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0506.10.00 -Ossein and bones treated with acid 6 INM
0506.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0507.10.00 -Ivory; ivory powder and waste 6 INM
0507.90.10 --Claws of hens or roosters 6 INM
0507.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0508.00.00 Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise wor 6 INM
0509.00.00 Natural sponges of animal origin 6 INM
0510.00.00 Ambergris, castoreum, civet and musk; cantharides; bile, whether or not dried; 6 INM
0511.10.00 -Bovine semen 6 INM
0511.91.11 ----Of Pacific, Atlantic or Danube salmon, for reproduction 6 INM
0511.91.12 ----Of trout, for reproduction 6 INM
0511.91.19 ----Other 6 INM
0511.91.90 ----Other 6 INM
0511.99.10 ---Other animal semen 6 INM
0511.99.20 ---Cochineal (Coccus cacti) 6 INM
0511.99.30 ---Animal offal 6 INM
0511.99.90 ---Other 6 INM
0601.10.11 ---Lilium bulbs 6 INM
0601.10.12 ---Tulip bulbs 6 INM
0601.10.13 ---Cala lily bulbs 6 INM
0601.10.19 ---Other 6 INM
0601.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0601.20.11 ---Lilium bulbs 6 INM
0601.20.12 ---Tulip bulbs 6 INM
0601.20.13 ---Cala lily bulbs 6 INM
0601.20.19 ---Other 6 INM
0601.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0602.10.00 -Unrooted cuttings and slips 6 INM
0602.20.00 -Trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not, of kinds which bear edible fruit or 6 INM
0602.30.00 -Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not 6 INM
0602.40.00 -Roses, grafted or not 6 INM
0602.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0603.10.10 --Lilium 6 INM
0603.10.20 --Tulips 6 INM
0603.10.30 --Peonies 6 INM
0603.10.40 --Carnations 6 INM
0603.10.50 --Roses 6 INM
0603.10.60 --Leatris 6 INM
0603.10.70 --Limonium 6 INM
0603.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0603.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0604.10.00 -Mosses and lichens 6 INM
0604.91.00 --Fresh 6 INM
0604.99.00 --Other 6 INM
0701.10.00 -Seed 6 INM
0701.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0702.00.00 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0703.10.10 --Onions 6 INM
0703.10.20 --Shallots 6 INM
0703.20.00 -Garlic 6 INM
0703.90.00 -Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables 6 INM
0704.10.00 -Cauliflowers and headed broccoli 6 INM
0704.20.00 -Brussels sprouts 6 INM
0704.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0705.11.00 --Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) 6 INM
0705.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0705.21.00 --Witloof chicory (Cicchorium intybus var. foliosum) 6 INM
0705.29.10 ---Radicchio (Cicchorium ssp.) 6 INM
0705.29.20 ---Chicory (Cicchorium endivia) 6 INM
0705.29.90 ---Other 6 INM
0706.10.00 -Carrots and turnips 6 INM
0706.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0707.00.00 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled 6 INM
0708.10.00 -Peas (Pisum sativum) 6 INM
0708.20.00 -Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) 6 INM
0708.90.00 -Other leguminous vegetables 6 INM
0709.10.00 -Globe artichokes 6 INM
0709.20.00 -Asparagus 6 INM
0709.30.00 -Aubergines (egg-plants) 6 INM
0709.40.00 -Celery other than celeriac 6 INM
0709.51.00 --Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus 6 INM
0709.52.00 --Truffles 6 INM
0709.59.00 --Other 6 INM
0709.60.10 --Sweet peppers 6 INM
0709.60.20 --Chile peppers 6 INM
0709.60.90 --Other 6 INM
0709.70.00 -Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) 6 INM
0709.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0710.10.00 -Potatoes 6 INM
0710.21.00 --Peas (Pisum sativum) 6 INM
0710.22.00 --Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) 6 INM
0710.29.10 ---Broad beans (Vicia faba) 6 INM
0710.29.90 ---Other 6 INM
0710.30.00 -Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) 6 INM
0710.40.00 -Sweet corn 6 INM
0710.80.10 --Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.) 6 INM
0710.80.20 --Broccoli (Brassica olaracea var. Botrytis L. Var. Symosa) 6 INM
0710.80.30 --Mushrooms and other fungus 6 INM
0710.80.40 --Asparagus 6 INM
0710.80.90 --Other vegetables 6 INM
0710.90.00 -Mixtures of vegetables 6 INM
0711.20.10 --In brine 6 INM
0711.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0711.30.00 -Capers 6 INM
0711.40.10 --In brine 6 INM
0711.40.90 --Other 6 INM
0711.51.00 --Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus 6 INM
0711.59.00 --Other 6 INM
0711.90.00 -Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 6 INM
0712.20.00 -Onions 6 INM
0712.31.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0712.31.20 ---Cut 6 INM
0712.31.90 ---Other 6 INM
0712.32.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0712.32.20 ---Cut 6 INM
0712.32.90 ---Other 6 INM
0712.33.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0712.33.20 ---Cut 6 INM
0712.33.90 ---Other 6 INM
0712.39.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0712.39.20 ---Cut 6 INM
0712.39.90 ---Other 6 INM
0712.90.10 --Leeks 6 INM
0712.90.20 --Chile pepper (Capsicum frutescens) 6 INM
0712.90.30 --Tomatoes 6 INM
0712.90.40 --Celery 6 INM
0712.90.50 --Garlic 6 INM
0712.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0713.10.00 -Peas (Pisum sativum) 6 INM
0713.20.00 -Chickpeas (garbanzos) 6 INM
0713.31.10 ---Seed 6 INM
0713.31.90 ---Other 6 INM
0713.32.10 ---Seed 6 INM
0713.32.90 ---Other 6 INM
0713.33.10 ---Seed 6 INM
0713.33.90 ---Other 6 INM
0713.39.10 ---Seed 6 INM
0713.39.90 ---Other 6 INM
0713.40.00 -Lentils 6 INM
0713.50.00 -Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina, 6 INM
0713.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0714.10.00 -Manioc (cassava) 6 INM
0714.20.00 -Sweet potatoes 6 INM
0714.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0801.11.00 --Desiccated 6 INM
0801.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0801.21.00 --In shell 6 INM
0801.22.00 --Shelled 6 INM
0801.31.00 --In shell 6 INM
0801.32.00 --Shelled 6 INM
0802.11.00 --In shell 6 INM
0802.12.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0802.12.90 ---Other 6 INM
0802.21.00 --In shell 6 INM
0802.22.00 --Shelled 6 INM
0802.31.00 --In shell 6 INM
0802.32.10 ---Whole 6 INM
0802.32.90 ---Other 6 INM
0802.40.00 -Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) 6 INM
0802.50.00 -Pistachios 6 INM
0802.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0803.00.00 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried 6 INM
0804.10.00 -Dates 6 INM
0804.20.00 -Figs 6 INM
0804.30.00 -Pineapples 6 INM
0804.40.10 --Of the variety Haas 6 INM
0804.40.20 --Of the variety Fuerte 6 INM
0804.40.90 --Other 6 INM
0804.50.00 -Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 6 INM
0805.10.00 -Oranges 6 INM
0805.20.10 --Mandarins 6 INM
0805.20.20 --Clementines 6 INM
0805.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0805.40.00 -Grapefruit 6 INM
0805.50.10 --Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) 6 INM
0805.50.20 --Limes (Citrus aurantifolia) 6 INM
0805.50.90 --Other 6 INM
0805.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0806.10.10 --Of the variety Thomson seedless (Sultanina) 6 INM
0806.10.20 --Of the variety Flame seedless 6 INM
0806.10.30 --Of the variety Red Globe 6 INM
0806.10.40 --Of the variety Ribier 6 INM
0806.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0806.20.10 --Black currants 6 INM
0806.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0807.11.00 --Watermelons 6 INM
0807.19.00 --Other 6 INM
0807.20.00 -Papaws (papayas) 6 INM
0808.10.10 --Of the variety Richared Delicious 6 INM
0808.10.20 --Of the variety Royal Gala 6 INM
0808.10.30 --Of the variety Red Starking 6 INM
0808.10.40 --Of the variety Fuji 6 INM
0808.10.50 --Of the variety Braeburn 6 INM
0808.10.60 --Of the variety Granny Smith 6 INM
0808.10.90 --Other 6 INM
0808.20.11 ---Packham's triumph 6 INM
0808.20.12 ---Bartlett bosc 6 INM
0808.20.13 ---Asian 6 INM
0808.20.19 ---Other 6 INM
0808.20.20 --Quinces 6 INM
0809.10.00 -Apricots 6 INM
0809.20.00 -Cherries 6 INM
0809.30.10 --Nectarines 6 INM
0809.30.20 --Peaches 6 INM
0809.30.90 --Other 6 INM
0809.40.10 --Plums 6 INM
0809.40.20 --Sloes 6 INM
0810.10.00 -Strawberries 6 INM
0810.20.10 --Mulberries 6 INM
0810.20.20 --Raspberries 6 INM
0810.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0810.30.00 -Black, white or red currants and gooseberries 6 INM
0810.40.10 --Cranberries 6 INM
0810.40.90 --Other 6 INM
0810.50.00 -Kiwifruit 6 INM
0810.60.00 -Durians 6 INM
0810.90.10 --Persimmons 6 INM
0810.90.20 --Cherimoya 6 INM
0810.90.30 --Melon pears 6 INM
0810.90.40 --Medlars 6 INM
0810.90.50 --Plumcots 6 INM
0810.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0811.10.00 -Strawberries 6 INM
0811.20.10 --Mulberries 6 INM
0811.20.20 --Raspberries 6 INM
0811.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0811.90.10 --Blueberries 6 INM
0811.90.20 --Appricots 6 INM
0811.90.30 --Peaches 6 INM
0811.90.40 --Kiwifruit 6 INM
0811.90.50 --Apples 6 INM
0811.90.60 --Grapes 6 INM
0811.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0812.10.00 -Cherries 6 INM
0812.90.10 --Peaches 6 INM
0812.90.90 --Other 6 INM
0813.10.00 -Apricots 6 INM
0813.20.00 -Prunes 6 INM
0813.30.00 -Apples 6 INM
0813.40.10 --Peaches 6 INM
0813.40.20 --Rose-hips 6 INM
0813.40.90 --Other 6 INM
0813.50.00 -Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter 6 INM
0814.00.00 Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including watermelons), fresh, frozen, dried o 6 INM
0901.11.00 --Not decaffeinated 6 INM
0901.12.00 --Decaffeinated 6 INM
0901.21.00 --Not decaffeinated 6 INM
0901.22.00 --Decaffeinated 6 INM
0901.90.00 -Other 6 INM
0902.10.00 -Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3k 6 INM
0902.20.00 -Other green tea (not fermented) 6 INM
0902.30.00 -Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a co 6 INM
0902.40.00 -Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea 6 INM
0903.00.00 Maté 6 INM
0904.11.00 --Neither crushed nor ground 6 INM
0904.12.00 --Crushed or ground 6 INM
0904.20.10 --Sweet peppers 6 INM
0904.20.20 --Chile pepper 6 INM
0904.20.90 --Other 6 INM
0905.00.00 Vanilla 6 INM
0906.10.00 -Neither crushed nor ground 6 INM
0906.20.00 -Crushed or ground 6 INM
0907.00.00 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems) 6 INM
0908.10.00 -Nutmeg 6 INM
0908.20.00 -Mace 6 INM
0908.30.00 -Cardamoms 6 INM
0909.10.00 -Seeds of anise or badian 6 INM
0909.20.00 -Seeds of coriander 6 INM
0909.30.00 -Seeds of cumin 6 INM
0909.40.00 -Seeds of caraway 6 INM
0909.50.00 -Seeds of fennel; juniper berries 6 INM
0910.10.00 -Ginger 6 INM
0910.20.00 -Saffron 6 INM
0910.30.00 -Turmeric (curcuma) 6 INM
0910.40.00 -Thyme; bay leaves 6 INM
0910.50.00 -'Curry' 6 INM
0910.91.00 --Mixtures referred to in note 1 (b) to this chapter 6 INM
0910.99.00 --Other 6 INM
1001.10.00 -Durum wheat 6 5
1001.90.00 -Other 31,5 EXCL
1002.00.00 Rye 6 INM
1003.00.00 Barley 6 INM
1004.00.00 Oats 6 INM
1005.10.10 --Hybrids 6 INM
1005.10.90 --Other 6 INM
1005.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1006.10.00 -Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) 6 EXCL
1006.20.00 -Husked (brown) rice 6 EXCL
1006.30.10 --Containing 5% or less by weight of broken grains 6 EXCL
1006.30.20 --Containing more than 5% but not more than 15%, by weight, of broken grains 6 EXCL
1006.30.90 --Other 6 EXCL
1006.40.00 -Broken rice 6 EXCL
1007.00.10 -For sowing 6 INM
1007.00.90 -Other 6 INM
1008.10.00 -Buckwheat 6 INM
1008.20.00 -Millet 6 INM
1008.30.00 -Canary seed 6 INM
1008.90.00 -Other cereals 6 5
1101.00.00 Wheat or meslin flour 31,5 EXCL
1102.10.00 -Rye flour 6 5
1102.20.00 -Maize (corn) flour 6 5
1102.30.00 -Rice flour 6 10
1102.90.00 -Other 6 5
1103.11.00 --Of wheat 6 5
1103.13.00 --Of maize (corn) 6 INM
1103.19.00 --Of other cereals 6 INM
1103.20.00 -Pellets 6 5
1104.12.00 --Of oats 6 INM
1104.19.00 --Of other cereals 6 INM
1104.22.10 ---Hulled 6 INM
1104.22.90 ---Other 6 INM
1104.23.00 --Of maize (corn) 6 INM
1104.29.00 --Of other cereals 6 INM
1104.30.00 -Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground 6 INM
1105.10.00 -Flour, meal and powder 6 5
1105.20.00 -Flakes, granules and pellets 6 INM
1106.10.00 -Of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 07.13 6 INM
1106.20.00 -Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14 6 INM
1106.30.00 -Of the products of Chapter 8 6 INM
1107.10.00 -Not roasted 6 INM
1107.20.00 -Roasted 6 INM
1108.11.00 --Wheat starch 6 5
1108.12.00 --Maize (corn) starch 6 INM
1108.13.00 --Potato starch 6 5
1108.14.00 --Manioc (cassava) starch 6 INM
1108.19.00 --Other starches 6 INM
1108.20.00 -Inulin 6 INM
1109.00.00 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 6 5
1201.00.10 -For sowing 6 INM
1201.00.90 -Other 6 INM
1202.10.00 -In shell 6 INM
1202.20.00 -Shelled, whether or not broken 6 INM
1203.00.00 Copra 6 INM
1204.00.00 Linseed, whether or not broken 6 INM
1205.10.00 -Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds 6 INM
1205.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1206.00.00 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken 6 INM
1207.10.00 -Palm nuts and kernels 6 INM
1207.20.00 -Cotton seeds 6 INM
1207.30.00 -Castor oil seeds 6 INM
1207.40.00 -Sesamum seeds 6 INM
1207.50.00 -Mustard seeds 6 INM
1207.60.00 -Safflower seeds 6 INM
1207.91.00 --Poppy seeds 6 INM
1207.99.00 --Other 6 INM
1208.10.00 -Of soya beans 6 INM
1208.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1209.10.00 -Sugar beet seed 6 INM
1209.21.00 --Lucerne (alfalfa) seed 6 INM
1209.22.00 --Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed 6 INM
1209.23.00 --Fescue seed 6 INM
1209.24.00 --Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seed 6 INM
1209.25.00 --Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seed 6 INM
1209.26.00 --Timothy grass seed 6 INM
1209.29.00 --Other 6 INM
1209.30.00 -Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers 6 INM
1209.91.10 ---Tomato seeds 6 INM
1209.91.20 ---Lettuce seeds 6 INM
1209.91.30 ---Onion seeds 6 INM
1209.91.40 ---Sweet pepper seeds 6 INM
1209.91.50 ---Pumpkin seeds 6 INM
1209.91.60 ---Cauliflower seeds 6 INM
1209.91.70 ---Broccoli seeds 6 INM
1209.91.80 ---Cucumber seeds 6 INM
1209.91.90 ---Other 6 INM
1209.99.20 ---Melon seeds 6 INM
1209.99.30 ---Watermelon seeds 6 INM
1209.99.90 ---Other 6 INM
1210.10.00 -Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the form of pellets 6 INM
1210.20.00 -Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin 6 INM
1211.10.00 -Liquorice roots 6 INM
1211.20.00 -Ginseng roots 6 INM
1211.30.00 -Coca leaf 6 INM
1211.40.00 -Poppy straw 6 INM
1211.90.10 --Boldo 6 INM
1211.90.20 --Oregano 6 INM
1211.90.30 --Ergot of rye (Claviceps purpurea) 6 INM
1211.90.41 ---Seeds and barren seeds 6 INM
1211.90.42 ---Husk 6 INM
1211.90.43 ---Leaves and flowers 6 INM
1211.90.49 ---Other 6 INM
1211.90.50 --St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) 6 INM
1211.90.60 --Camomile 6 INM
1211.90.90 --Other 6 INM
1212.10.00 -Locust beans, including locust bean seeds 6 INM
1212.20.20 --Gelidium 6 INM
1212.20.30 --Pelillo (Gracilaria ssp.) 6 10
1212.20.40 --Chascón (Lessonia ssp.) 6 INM
1212.20.50 --Luga luga (Iridaea spp.) 6 INM
1212.20.60 --Chicorea de mar (Gigartina spp.) 6 INM
1212.20.70 --Huiro (Macrocystis spp.) 6 INM
1212.20.80 --Durvillaea antarctica 6 INM
1212.20.90 --Other 6 INM
1212.30.00 -Apricot, peach (including nectarine) or plum stones and kernels 6 INM
1212.91.00 --Sugar beet 6 INM
1212.99.00 --Other 6 INM
1213.00.00 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or 6 INM
1214.10.00 -Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 6 INM
1214.90.10 --Lupines (Lupinus ssp.) 6 INM
1214.90.90 --Other 6 INM
1301.10.00 -Lac 6 INM
1301.20.00 -Gum Arabic 6 INM
1301.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1302.11.00 --Opium 6 INM
1302.12.00 --Of liquorice 6 INM
1302.13.00 --Of hops 6 INM
1302.14.00 --Of pyrethrum or of the roots of plants containing rotenone 6 INM
1302.19.10 ---Extract of Quillay (Quillaja saponaria) 6 INM
1302.19.90 ---Other 6 INM
1302.20.00 -Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates 6 INM
1302.31.00 --Agar-agar 6 10
1302.32.00 --Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans 6 INM
1302.39.10 ---Carragheen (Chondrus crispus L.) 6 INM
1302.39.90 ---Other 6 INM
1401.10.00 -Bamboos 6 INM
1401.20.00 -Rattans 6 INM
1401.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1402.00.00 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily as stuffing or as padding (for ex 6 INM
1403.00.00 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms or in brushes (for exam 6 INM
1404.10.00 -Raw vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in dyeing or tanning 6 INM
1404.20.00 -Cotton linters 6 INM
1404.90.10 --Quillay (Quillaja saponaria) barks 6 INM
1404.90.20 --Dry lichens, other than those used for bouquets or ornaments and medicinal d 6 INM
1404.90.90 --Other 6 INM
1501.00.10 -Pig fat (including lard), refined 6 INM
1501.00.90 -Other 6 INM
1502.00.10 -Rendered (including 'premier jus') 6 INM
1502.00.90 -Other 6 INM
1503.00.00 Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified o 6 INM
1504.10.00 -Fish-liver oils and their fractions 6 INM
1504.20.10 --Fish oil, raw 6 INM
1504.20.20 --Fish oil, refined and semi-refined 6 INM
1504.20.90 --Other 6 INM
1504.30.00 -Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals 6 INM
1505.00.00 Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin) 6 INM
1506.00.00 Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but no 6 INM
1507.10.00 -Crude oil, whether or not degummed 31,5 5
1507.90.10 --In bulk 31,5 5
1507.90.90 --Other 31,5 5
1508.10.00 -Crude oil 31,5 5
1508.90.00 -Other 31,5 5
1509.10.00 -Virgin 31,5 INM
1509.90.00 -Other 31,5 INM
1510.00.00 Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not re 31,5 INM
1511.10.00 -Crude oil 31,5 5
1511.90.00 -Other 31,5 5
1512.11.10 ---Sunflower-seed oil 31,5 5
1512.11.20 ---Sufflower oil 31,5 5
1512.19.11 ----In bulk 31,5 5
1512.19.19 ----Other 31,5 5
1512.19.20 ---Safflower oil 31,5 5
1512.21.00 --Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed 31,5 5
1512.29.00 --Other 31,5 5
1513.11.00 --Crude oil 31,5 INM
1513.19.00 --Other: 31,5 INM
1513.21.00 --Crude oil 31,5 INM
1513.29.00 --Other 31,5 INM
1514.11.00 --Crude oil 31,5 5
1514.19.00 --Other: 31,5 5
1514.91.00 --Crude oil 31,5 5
1514.99.00 --Other 31,5 5
1515.11.00 --Crude oil 6 INM
1515.19.00 --Other 6 INM
1515.21.00 --Crude oil 31,5 5
1515.29.00 --Other 31,5 5
1515.30.00 -Castor oil and its fractions 6 INM
1515.40.00 -Tung oil and its fractions 6 INM
1515.50.00 -Sesame oil and its fractions 31,5 INM
1515.90.10 --Rose-hip oil 31,5 5
1515.90.90 --Other 31,5 5
1516.10.11 ---Fish oils 6 INM
1516.10.12 ---Oils of marine mammals 6 INM
1516.10.90 --Other 6 INM
1516.20.10 --Fats 6 INM
1516.20.20 --Lard 6 INM
1516.20.30 --Totally or partially refined oils for uses in the manufacture of foodstuff 6 INM
1516.20.40 --Totally or partially refined oils for uses other 6 INM
1516.20.90 --Other 6 INM
1517.10.10 --In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less 6 5
1517.10.90 --Other 6 5
1517.90.10 --Mixtures of vegetable oils, crude 6 5
1517.90.20 --Mixtures of vegetable oils, refined 6 5
1517.90.90 --Other 6 5
1518.00.10 -Fish oil, unfit for human consumption 6 5
1518.00.90 -Other 6 5
1520.00.00 Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes 6 INM
1521.10.00 -Vegetable waxes 6 INM
1521.90.00 -Other 6 INM
1522.00.00 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or 6 INM
1601.00.00 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations 6 INM
1602.10.00 -Homogenized preparations 6 INM
1602.20.00 -Of liver of any animal 6 INM
1602.31.10 ---Cuts prepared, seasoned or spiced 6 INM
1602.31.20 --- Pate and spreads 6 INM
1602.31.30 ---Ham 6 INM
1602.31.90 ---Other 6 INM
1602.32.10 ---Cuts, pre
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