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(2) certificate signed and issued either by the people s government at the
county level or above which is stationed in the locality where the
applicant has his/her residence registration, or by a government
department, a school, an institution, or an enterprise at the county level
or above, which is the applicant s place of work; the certificate
indicates the applicant s name, sex, date of birth, nationality, marital
status (single, divorced, bereft of spouse - the same below), occupation,
nature of work, name of the person to marry.
B. For foreigners:
(1) the applicant s passport or other documents certifying his/her
identity and citizenship;
(2) "Residence Permit for Foreigners" signed and issued by the public
security department, or identification certificate issued by foreign
affairs department, or entry permit and residence permit for foreigners
who come to China for a short stay;
(3) marital status certification issued by the notary office of the
applicant s country and confirmed by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(or a department authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of the
applicant s country and the Chinese embassy or consulate in the said
foreign country; or marital status certification issued by the embassy or
consulate of the said foreign country in China.
C. For resident foreigners in China:
(1) the applicant s passport, or identification certificate or nationality
certificate used to substitute for passport (those who have no nationality
may be exempted from presenting their nationality certificates);
(2) "Residence Permit for Foreigners" signed and issued by the public
security department;
(3) certificate signed and issued either by the people s government at the
county level or above, which is stationed in the locality where the
applicant has his/her residence registration, or by a government
department, a school, an institution, or an enterprise at the county level
or above, which is the applicant s place of work; the certificate
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