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www.110.com 2010-07-26 15:03

  Under authority of the Federal Meat, Poultry and Egg Products Inspection Acts, Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA inspects and monitors all meat, poultry and egg products sold in interstate and foreign commerce to ensure compliance with mandatory US food safety standards and inspection legislation.联邦肉类,家禽及蛋产品检验法令食物安全及检验局 (FSIS的美国农业部)的检查和监控所有的肉类,家禽及蛋制品外国商业和跨州销售,以确保遵守强制性标准,美国食品安全检查的立法。

  The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1967 i of 1968 requires more than 3,000 state inspected processing in 26 states to meet standards that are “at least equal to” standards for federally inspected plants.联邦肉类检验法1967年1968年我的状态,需要3000多个检查在26个国家的加工,以满足植物的标准是“至少等于”标准联邦检查。 However, the law inhibits the state inspected plants from selling meat and poultry and specialty products, such as sausage, pizza and jerky, across state lines, a privilege enjoyed by foreign and federally inspected competitors.不过,法律抑制状态检查出售的肉类和家禽和特种产品,如香肠,比萨饼和肉干厂,跨州,外国和联邦检查的竞争对手享有特权。

  Establishments have the option to apply for Federal or State inspection.机构已选择在联邦或州申请检验。 Under the agreement, a State's program must enforce requirements "at least equal to" those imposed under the Federal Meat and Poultry Products Inspection Acts.根据协议,一个国家的程序必须执行的要求“至少等于”根据联邦肉类和家禽产品检验规定的行为。 However, product produced under State inspection is limited to intrastate commerce.然而,根据国家检验产品生产仅限于州内贸易。 FSIS provides up to 50% of the State's operating funds, as well as training and other assistance. FSIS的提供多达50国的营运资金%,以及培训和其他援助。

  Inspection of Meat and Poultry ii肉类和家禽检查第二

  USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is responsible for inspecting most meat, poultry, and processed egg products for safety, wholesomeness, and proper labeling.美国农业部食品安全检验局(FSIS)负责检查大多数肉类,家禽,并负责安全加工蛋制品,的卫生,和适当的标签。 Federal inspectors or their state counterparts are present at all times in virtually all slaughter plants and for at least part of each day in establishments that further process meat and poultry products.联邦检查人员或他们的对手是目前国家在几乎所有屠宰厂的所有时间和每天至少有部分机构,进一步加工肉类和禽类产品。 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for ensuring the safety of all other foods, including seafood, and for animal drugs and feed ingredients.美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)负责确保所有其他食品的安全,包括海鲜,并负责动物药品和饲料原料。

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