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发布日期:2011-03-25    文章来源:互联网
【摘要】  由于气候和历史原因,中国黄土高原自然条件恶劣,水土流失严重,沟壑纵横。淤地坝具有多种社会、生态和经济功能,在促进黄土高原地区的发展和生态环境保护及改善方面发挥了巨大作用。淤地坝之水既是一种社会物品,也是一种经济物品,是淤地坝能够发挥功能的关键条件。对与之相关的水人权、生态环境用水权和水的财产权利如何进行界定和保护,在中国的法律和政策层面上存在一些矛盾、不协调或者模糊的问题,需要以促进黄土高原地区的可持续发展为基础价值取向,通过完善相关法律和政策,公平合理地予以解决。
【关键词】淤地坝; 水权利; 水人权; 生态环境用水权; 财产权

  中国黄土高原是世界上最大的黄土沉积区。它海拔1000~1500米,位于黄河流域中流区域,东起太行山、西至位于青海省的日月山,南自秦岭北缘、北到万里长城,横跨山西省全境和陕西、甘肃、宁夏三省大部,占有青海、河南和内蒙古三省(区)部分地区,面积达64万平方公里。除少数石质山地外,高原上面覆盖着深厚的黄土层,黄土厚度一般在50~80米之间,最厚处达150~180米。气候上,高原地区以干旱和半干旱为主,四季分明,较为干燥;降雨集中,且多以暴雨出现,年均降水量200~700毫米。在黄土高原地区,土壤和植被地带性分布十分明显。土壤有褐土、垆土、黄绵土和灰钙土等。植被主要是森林草原、草原和风沙草原。由于黄土孔隙度较高,透水性强,垂直节理发育,具沉陷性,加上缺乏植被保护,夏季雨量集中且多暴雨,造成水土流失严重(水土流失面积达43.4万平方公里),黄土高原地表支离破碎、沟壑纵横。[1](P14-18) 长度超过0.5公里的沟道就达27万多条。[2]
  四百多年前,黄土高原上有居民或者利用自然滑坡坍塌、或者自行修筑,于沟壑中修建坝体,拦截雨季水中泥沙以使其淤积形成农田,是为淤地坝之由来。据记载,明代隆庆三年(公元1569年),在陕西省子洲县黄土洼,因自然滑坡、坍塌,产生天然聚湫一处,后经人加工而形成了高60米、淤地800余亩的淤地坝。人工修筑的历史记载,最早见于山西省《汾西县志》有关明代万历年间(公元1573年-1619年)的一段记载:“涧河沟渠下湿处,淤漫成地易于收获高田,值旱可以抵租,向有勤民修筑”。 [1](P39-40)淤地坝修筑在清代引起官方重视,得到推广。根据《续行水金鉴》卷十一记载:清代乾隆八年(公元1743年),陕西监察御史胡定在奏折中呈“黄河之沙多出自三门以上及山西中条山一代涧中,请令地方官于涧口筑坝堰,水发,沙滞涧中,渐为平壤,可种秋麦”。1949年后,特别是近几年来,经过国家水利部门总结、规范、示范和推广,淤地坝建设得到了快速发展。据调查统计,经过50多年的建设,黄土高原地区现有淤地坝11万余座,淤成坝地450多万亩,可拦蓄泥沙210亿M3。[3]
  第三,在将存储有水的淤地坝纳入水塘范畴的情况下,产生的问题是(1)淤地坝之水是否属于地表水而是水资源?因为中国没有对地表水这一概念像其他国家或者地区(如南非和澳大利亚的南澳大利亚州)一样在法律上作出明确的界定。[4] (2)法律对农村集体经济组织的水塘中的水的使用有明确规定,但对农村集体经济组织以外的单位和个人的水塘中的水使用却没有直接规定。进一步的问题是:农村集体经济组织以外的单位和个人的水塘中的水是否为国家所有?如果为国家所有,对其利用就应该遵守国家的相关法律规定,但是目前又缺乏明确的规定;如果不为国家所有,就是私人所有,所有权人得依法占有、使用、收益或者处置。
  联合国有关机构的研究表明,水资源危机主要是由于水资源管理方面的原因而造成的。[5] (Chapter 2)[6](P12)无论是法学专家,还是水文及水资源学学者,亦或水资源综合管理研究者都认为,法律应当在水资源开发、利用和保护中发挥重要作用。[7](P2)“水权利的稳定性是水法的一项重要原则”,而且,“稳定水权利的法律制度是向水资源开发和保护领域投资的一种经济刺激措施”。[8](P29)在中国这样一个水资源十分缺乏的国家,特别是在黄土高原这样一个严重缺水的地区,需要建立或者加强有关淤地坝之水的权利法律制度,从而保证水资源的可持续、合理、公平和有效的利用。
  实践证明,建设淤地坝是黄土高原地区最有效、最根本和最重要的水土保持措施,不仅具有重要的战略地位,而且已经取得了很好效益、发挥了巨大作用。例如,在黄河下游河床清淤1立方米泥沙,需投资十几元,而在上中游,淤地坝每拦1立方米泥沙,所需投资还不到1元。[3] 但是,如果财产权的主体不明确,财产就容易遭受侵害,就会造成投资、管理和维护的积极性不足。因此,必须明晰淤地坝的产权关系。


[1] 黄河上中游管理局. 淤地坝概论[M]. 北京:中国计划出版社, 2005.
[2] 姚芃. 我国水土流失形势严峻 “项目保护伞”比较强硬[N] . 法制日报2007-6-29.
[3]中央农村工作领导小组办公室、水利部水土保持司、水利部水土保持监测中心、水利部发展研究中心、水利部黄河水利委员会. 黄土高原区淤地坝专题调研报告(2002年12月20日).
[4] 胡德胜. 水资源的法律界定——我国与南澳大利亚州、南非的比较研究[J]. 水利发展研究,2004,
[5] UNESCO, et al., The United Nations World Water Development Report: Water for People, Water for Life, UNESCO Publishing/Berghahn Books, Paris, 2003.
[6] UNESCO, et al., The United Nations World Water Development Report: Water, A Shared Responsibility, UNESCO Publishing/Berghahn Books, Paris, 2006.
[7] Hu, D., Water Rights: An International and Comparative Study, IWA Publishing, London, 2006.
[8] Solanes, M. and Gonzalez-Villarreal, F., The Dublin Principles for Water as Reflected in a Comparative Assessment of Institutional and Legal Arrangements for Integrated

  1. An Introduction to Geologies in the Loess Plateau
  The Loess Plateau in northwestern China is the largest continuous loess deposit area in the world. With the altitudes of 1,000-1,500 m and an area of 640,000 km2 and being located in the central Yellow River Basin, it covers the whole Shanxi Province, most of Shaanxi Province and Gunshu Province as well Ningxia Autonomous Region, and some parts of Qinghai Province and Henan Province as well as Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Although existing rocky hills in a few regions, the Plateau is covered with a very thick layer of loess, the thickness of which is in general from 50 to 80 m although in some area from 150 to 180 m. Loess Plateau belongs to arid or semi-arid region with an average annual precipitation from 200 to 700 mm, which mainly comes in storm in summer. Due to over reclamation over centuries which has led to little coverage of plants together with (a) the characteristics of loess soil, i.e., retaining water effectively, easily sink, and (b) concentrating summer storm, the Plateau has been under severe soil erosion, and now is largely covered with more than 270,000 gullies (usually dry ) and many fragile loess slopes. This situation has caused many further issues, such as poverty, destruction of ecosystems and well-known soil sediment in Yellow River.
  2. Silt Dam and Its Functions
  A silt dam is a barrier that is built across a gully, usually dry, in order to stop the silty water from intense rainwater flowing, to allow silt being settled at the bottom, and to let silt farmland be formed in the most natural way. The earliest historical written record of man-made silt dams can be found in the History of Fenxi County (which is located in Shanxi Province). It reveals that, during the Wanli Period (1573-1619) of Ming Dynasty, diligent villagers built silt dams for obtaining silt land. Although the silt dam is built initially for getting plain and fertile farmland, silt dams can play, at least, the following functions in the Loess Plateau,
  (a) stopping silt and preventing silt from flowing into the Yellow River, and naturally decreasing sediment of the river, slowing down the increase of the bed of the River, and further lessening the flood danger caused by the river;
  (b) stopping silt and forming silt land which has good fertility, and further enhancing the crop yield, thereby increasing the income of the villagers;
  (c) harvesting water in wet seasons and making the rational and effective utilisation of water resources possible;
  (d) using the water collected by the silt dam to resolve the difficulty of access to drinking water for people and livestock, for irrigating cultivated land, or for planting trees or grass;
  (e) supplying water for ground aquifers and making the utilisation of groundwater sustainable;
  (f) creating good quality ecosystems in the surrounding areas or improving the ecosystems of the silt dams, and further improving the ecosystem in the middle stream of the Yellow River, and,
  (g) using them as bridge roads by connecting each side of the gullies, and further improving the communication in the region.
  Due to the benefits above, the Chinese government has been paying special attention to the construction of silt dams since 1949, particularly since 2001. According to an official report, by 2002, 112,045 silt dams (36,816 in Shaanxi, 37,820 in Shanxi, 6,630 in Gansu, 17,819 in Inner Mongolia, 4,936 in Ningxia and 3,877 in Qinghai, accounting for 96.3% of the total) had been built, and 4.5 million mu (about 300,000 hectares) of silt farmland had been formed, so 21 billion m3 of silt had be stopped.
  3. Problems in Utilising of Water in the Silt Dam
  3.1. Problems coming from Rural Land Contractual Farming Law and Property Law
  According to article 3(2) of Rural Land Contractual Farming Law of the PRC 2002 and article 124(2) of Property Law of the PRC 2007, individuals, families, rural collective economic organisation or other groups may construct silt dams in the land (including cultivated land, forestland, grassland and other lands, such as barren mountains, waste ditches, barren hills and waste beaches, etc.) that they have rights to utilise under the land contracts to which they are a party.
  Article 16(1) of Rural Land Contractual Farming Law provides that, the contract-undertaking party shall enjoy the right to the use of, and profits and interests from the contracted land, and to the circulation of the operation of the contracted land; enjoying the decision-making power to organize production operation and dispose his products. Regarding Property Law, article 125 stipulates that, a holder of the contract-undertaking right is entitled to occupy, use and benefit from the land (including cultivated land, forest land, grassland, etc.) , and to be engaged in agriculture such as crop planting, afforestation, animal husbandry etc.
  However, according to article 8(1) of Rural Land Contracting Law, “[t]he contracting of rural land shall be conducted in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations, and in conformity with the protection of rational development and sustainable utility of land resources. The contracted rural land shall not be used for non-agricultural construction without through lawful approval”. Further, article 17 reads as follows,
  The contract-undertaking party shall bear the following obligations:
  (1) Sustaining the agricultural purpose of use of the contracted land rather than utilizing such land for the purpose of non-agricultural construction;
  (2) Protecting and rationally using the contracted land according to laws, rather than imposing perpetual damage to such land; and,
  (3) Other obligations as stipulated by laws, or administrative rules or regulations.
  Also, article 46(2) requires that, “[c]ontracting for barren mountains, waste ditches, barren hills and waste beaches shall be undertaken in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, and shall be in conformity with the prevention of soil erosion and protection of ecological environment”.
  The problems with the water in the silt dam are: whether or not the water in the silt dam belongs to the products of the contract-undertaking party? If yes, whether the contract-undertaking party may dispose it freely?
  3.2. Problems coming from Water Law
  The following articles of Water Law of the PRC 2002 may affect the utilisation of water in the silt dam,
  Article 2(2) The water resource referred to in this Law includes surface water and groundwater.
  Article 3 Water resources shall be owned by the State. The ownership of water resources shall be exercised by the State Council on behalf of the State. The water of a pond owned by or of a reservoir built and managed by a rural collective economic organisation shall be utilised by the organisation.
  Article 7 The State shall implement a water-drawing license system and a paid use system on water resources in accordance with the law, with the exception of the water of ponds or reservoirs belonging to rural collective economic organisations utilised by these organisations or their members. The competent department of water administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the organisation and implementation of these two systems in the country.
  Article 25(2) When rural collective economic organisations and/or their members, in accordance with the law, invest in the construction of waterworks on the corresponding land owned by the rural collective economic organisations and/or on contracted land, the waterworks and/or the water stored in these waterworks shall be managed and reasonably utilised according to the principle of “the investor manages and benefits from the waterworks”.
  Article 48(1) Any unit or individual who draws water directly from rivers, lakes or ground aquifers shall, in accordance with the State provisions relating to the water-drawing license system and the paid use system on water resources, apply to the relevant competent department of water administration or basin administrative authority for a water-drawing license, pay the water resources fee regulated, and then obtain a water-drawing right. However, the drawing of water for a household or for livestock, a small quantity for poultry drinking or other small quantity water drawings, are exempted.
  After analysing these above provisions, the following problems could be identified,
  (a) Whether or not the owner, operator or manager of a silt dam being a rural collective economic organisation or its member has impact on their right to the water in the silt dam.
  (b) Whether or not a gully across which a silt dam is built belongs to river? If yes, the silt dam is a reservoir; if not, then a pond. They are subjected to different regulations.
  (c) Further, if a silt dam is defined as a pond, then, (i) whether or not the water in it belongs to surface water? There is no definition for surface water in Water Law 2002. (ii) if yes, although there are provisions on the water of a pond owned by a rural collective economic organisation, there is no provision on the water of a pond owned by individuals or units other than rural collective economic organisations.
  (d) Also, if a silt dam is defined as a reservoir, although there are provisions on the water of a reservoir built and managed by a rural collective economic organisation, there is no provision on the water of a reservoir built and managed by individuals or units other than rural collective economic organisations.
  (e) What is reasonable utilisation? There is not a clear delimitation, and the issues are, (i) whether or not the owner, operator or manager of a silt dam is entitled to allow others to draw water from the silt dam? (ii) if yes, whether or not he/she/it is entitled to charge the others for water that is drawn? (iii) whether or not is reasonable for he/she/it to charge the others for water that is drawn under a water-drawing license?
  4. Recommendation on Problems
  It is well recognised that the water crises or water shortage has mainly caused by unreasonable management, and water law and policy should play a vital role in the development, utilisation and protection of water resources. In the Loess Plateau, such a region with a severe shortage of water and the popular poverty existing, the mechanism on the water in silt dams should be improved.
  (a) Scientific development or sustainable development should be taken as base in dealing with the above questions, and the human right to water, the environmental right to water (the environmental water needs) and the water for development should be taken into consideration.
  (b) Equal principle, in general, should be applied to all owners, operators or managers of silt dams.
  (c) Property rights on the water in silt dams should be clearly delimited.
  (d) The silt dams with storage capacity to some extent should be defined as reservoirs and are subjected to regulations on reservoirs.
  (e) The water in the silt dams should be allocated in a appropriate order, i.e., giving the human right to water and the environmental right to water priority.
  (f) The owner, operator or manager of a silt dam should be allowed to charge others for drawing water from the silt dam in due process.
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