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发布日期:2012-04-24    作者:蒋艳超律师
第一部 导言
第二部 行政决策及上诉
第三部 禁运品
第四部 非列于舱单之货物及走私
第五部 调查权
第六部 没收
第七部 规例
第八部 杂项规定
第一部 总则
  第一条 本条例定名为进出口条例。
  第二条 在本条例内,除按照上下文另具意义者外,下开各词应解释如下--
第二部 行政决策及上诉
  第三条 1)署长可发出任何本条例规定须领取之许可证,并可将其认为适当之条件附加于证上。
  第四条 总监可以书面授权任何公职人员及督察级或以上之任何警务人员行使本条例所赋予获授权人员之权力及执行本条例所规定之职责。
  第四A 署长可用书面委任任何公职人员行使本条例所赋予获委任人员之权力及执行本条例所规定之职责。
  第五条 1)港督可就总监、署长或任何其他公职人员(按察司、地方法院法官或裁判司除外)根据本条例行使任何权力或执行任何工作或职责事,发出其认为适当之指示,而不论该等指示乃属一般性或就个别情形而发出者。
  第六条 任何人士,若对总监、署长或任何其他公职人员(按察司、地方法院法官或裁判司除外)根据本条例行使任何权力或执行任何职责时之决定、行事或遗漏有所不满,可于接获通知或获悉(两者以较迟者为准)该等决定、行事或遗漏之日起十四天内,或因特别情况而获港督批准之更长时间内,用书面向布政司就该项决定、行事或遗漏提出反对。
第三部 禁运品
  第七条 1)倘船只、飞机或车辆运载禁运品进口,该船只、飞机或车辆之东主须继续保管该禁运品,直至下开任何一种情形出现为止--
  第八条 1)除第九条另有规定外,根据本条例而获发给许可证者,须于其物品进口后七天内,向运载该物品进口之船只、飞机及车辆之东主递交该许可证。
  第九条 1)倘进口之物品仅乃根据本条例发出许可证所指一批付运物品其中一部分,则获发许可证之人,须于该物品进口后七天内,向运载该物品进口之船只、飞机或车辆之东主,递交下开文件--
  第十条 1)任何船只、飞机或车辆之东主,于未接获根据本条例或其他有关禁运品之法例所发之出口许可证前,不得用其船只、飞机或车辆接载任何禁运品出口。
  第十一条 1)倘物主根据本条例获发许可证,批准其物品出口,则其人须在该物品出口之前,将许可证交予替其运载物品出口之船只、飞机或车辆之东主。
  第十二条 1)为决定下开物品--
  第十三条 1)倘发现之禁运品显然并无物主,总监或获授权人员可发出命令,饬令按其规定条件,将该物品贮存于指定之地方。
第四部 非列于舱单之货物及走私
  第十四条 1)凡更改任何船只、飞机或车辆之装置、构造或结构,意图偷运任何物品进出本港者,均属违法,一经定罪,或判罚款一万元及监禁六个月。
  第十五条 1)凡船只之船长或代理人、飞机之机长、车辆(火车除外)之负责人及货物在本港之经办代理人(如货物由火车运载),在其进出本港时,均须遵办如下事项--
  第十六条 1)任何人士,如未得船只或飞机东主之同意,不得在船只或飞机上或其内放置任何货物。
  第十七条 1)所有进出口货物,均须记录于总监规定具报详情之舱单内。
  第十八条 1)任何人士如--
  第十九条 1)倘总监、获授权人员或海关人员要求,任何船只之东主须立刻向总监、获授权人员或海关人员提交航程表,列明据其所知该船抵达香港前三个月内曾沿途停泊之港口或地方。
第五部 调查权
  第二十条 1)在不妨碍第二十一条所赋予之权力之原则下,任何海关人员及任何获授权人员,为执行本条例均可采取下开行动--
  第二十A 1)在本条及第二十B条内,下开各词应解释如下--
  第二十B 1)物品由船只、飞机或车辆运入本港时,倘人员为执行第二十条之职责,须检查该物品,但又认为该物品若搬离运载之船只、飞机或车辆会更便于检查,则可向收货人发出通知书,要求将物品搬至通知书所指定并由收货人所提出之楼宇,以便进行检查。
  第二十一条 1)除第二十二条另有规定外,任何香港海关人员或获授权人员,如有理由怀疑某楼宇或地方、船只、飞机或车辆内藏有物品,而该物品乃违反本条例之规定,或足为犯罪之证据或包含此顶证据者,则上述人员可采取下开行动--
  第二十二条 1)除下列情形外,海关人员或获授权人员不得进入住宅楼宇搜查--
  第二十三条 1)除第(2)款另有规定外,凡海关人员及获授权人员,倘有理由怀疑某人已触犯本条例,可毋须令状而将其逮捕或扣留,以便进一步查询。
  第二十四条 凡海关人员及获授权人员均可采取下开行动--
  (a)使用合理需要之武力,进入 本条例授权其进入搜查之任何场所或楼宇;
  第二十五条 1)为执行本条例所赋予之权力,任何香港海关人员及获授权人员,均可将任何楼宇、场所、船只、飞机、车辆或物品上锁,或加上封条。
  第二十六条 1)任何人士,倘有下开行为,即属违法,一经定罪,可判罚款一万元及监禁六个月--
第六部 没收
  第二十七条 1)凡属下开违例案件之物品、船只或车辆可予没收,而不论是否有人在中被定罪--
  第二十八条 1)总监或获授权人员于接获根据第二十七条第(5)款而提出之声请书后,必须向裁判司申请没收该物品、船只或车辆,并将声请通知书所述之声请人姓名地址,列明于声请书内。
  第二十九条 1)倘有人就可能被没收之船只或车辆根据第二十八条提出申请,裁判司于该人向法庭缴交一笔不少于已捡获船只或车辆之价值(由总监或获授权人员评估)之款项后,可下令将该船只或车辆交予声请人,条件为该船只或车辆必须于聆讯该申请日期之前再送回总监保管。
  第三十条 1)根据本条例已被没收之物品、船只或车辆之东主或其授权代理人,可于下列事情发生后六个星期内,以书面通知总监,指出有意就没收之物品、船只或车辆事,根据道义理由向港督呈交声请--
第七部 规例
  第三十一条 1)港督会同行政局可为下开任何一项或全部目的,制定规例--
  第三十二条 立法局可通过决议案,向根据本条例须提供资料以供编制海外贸易统计数字之人士征收费用,并对厘定征费办法、缴费方法及时间,加以规定。
第八部 杂项规定
  第三十三条 1)在根据本条例而进行之任何诉讼中,下开人士之进口舱单内所列明之货物,均推定由其船只、飞机或车辆输入,除非其能提出反证,则不在此限--
  第三十四条 1)在根据本条例而进行之诉讼中,证明下开事项之责任归于被告(倘属刑事诉讼)或声请人(倘属没收物品之诉讼)--
   第三十五条 1)本条例之规定适用于任何以邮包包裹之物品。
  第三十六条 1)任何人士,倘因下开事项在口头或书面上,作出或着人作出任何陈述,提供或着人提供任何资料,而其中之重要事项乃属虚假或引人误解者,又或漏报任何重要事项者,即属违法,一经定罪,可判罚款五十万元及监禁两年,除非该人能令法院或裁判司相信,其事前并不知悉亦无理由相信该陈述或资料乃虚假或引人误解,或该漏报之事项乃重要者,则不在此限--
  第三十六A 倘某一法人团体触犯第三十六条之罪行,则所有于该罪行发生时担任该法人团体之董事、经理、秘书或其他类似职位人士,或当时宣称以上身份处事之任何人士,均犯同样罪行,除非其证明对该罪行并不知情,或已尽力防止该罪行发生,则作别论。
  第三十七条 有关触犯本条例之投诉或告发,可于投诉或告发之违例事件发生后两年内提出。
  第三十八条 除法院认为,为维护公正而有此需要外,在任何民事或刑事诉讼中,告发者之姓名身份及其提供之资料均不得公开;法院可发出任何命令及采取任何必要之措施,以达到上述保密之目的。
  第三十九条 港督可于宪报刊登公告,修改附表。
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
2A. Application of this Ordinance to Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance
3. Director's discretion to issue, cancel, revoke or suspend licences
4. Power of Commissioner to appoint authorized officers
4A. Appointed officers
5. Commissioner or Director and other public officers to be subject to the Governor's directions
6. Appeals to the Governor
7. Possession of prohibited article after import
8. Delivery of import licence and manifest to the Director
9. Delivery of import licence and manifest in the case of part shipments
10. Carriers prohibited from accepting prohibited articles for export without licence
11. Delivery of export licence and manifest to the Director
12. Inspection and storage of prohibited articles
13. Claim and disposal of prohibited articles found without owner
14. Alteration of vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of smuggling
14A. Construction, etc., of vessels for the purpose of smuggling
15. Duty to provide particulars of all cargo
16. Prohibition against unauthorized placing of cargo on vessels, etc.
17. All cargo to be recorded in manifest
18. Offence of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo
18A. Assisting, etc., in export of unmanifested cargo
19. Written list showing ports of call to be furnished to the Commissioner
20. General powers of members of Customs and Excise Service, etc.
20A. Removal of articles may be prohibited until importer known
20B. Requirement that articles may be removed from vessel etc. for examination
21. Special powers of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
22. Restrictions upon exercise of special powers of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
23. Powers of arrest of authorized officers and members of the Customs and Excise Service
24. Ancillary powers of investigation of suspected offence
25. Locks and seals on premises, vessels, etc.
26. Obstruction of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
27. Seized articles, etc. Liable to forfeiture
28. Determination by magistrate of applications for forfeiture
29. Power to release seized vessels and vehicles prior to the hearing
30. Claims for the return of forfeited articles, etc.
31. Power to make regulations
32. Power to levy by resolution of Legislative Council
33. Evidentiary provisions
34. Onus of proof in court proceedings
35. Application of Ordinance to postal packets
35A. Assisting, etc., in carriage of prohibited, etc., articles
36. Offences in respect of licences
36A. Offences by directors' etc. of corporations
37. Time limitation for criminal proceedings
38. Informers
39. Amendment of Schedule
  Whole document
  To provide for the regulation and control of the import of articles into Hong Kong, the export of articles from Hong Kong, the handling and carriage of articles within Hong Kong which have been imported into Hong Kong or which may be exported from Hong Kong, and any matter incidental to or connected with the foregoing.
  (Amended 22 of 1991 s. 2)
  [1 January 1972] L. N. 180 of 1971
  1. Short title
  This Ordinance may be cited as the Import and Export Ordinance.
  2. Interpretation
  In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires--
  "air consignment note" and "air waybill" mean any document which--
  (a) bears the signature of the owner, operator, charterer, authorized agent or commander of an aircraft; and
  (b) records particulars of a contract for the consignment of cargo in an aircraft; "aircraft" means any machine which can derive support in the atmosphere from reactions of the air;
  "appointed officer" means a person appointed by the Director under section
  4A; (Added L. N. 294 of 1982)
  "article in transit" means an article which--
  (a) is brought into Hong Kong solely for the purpose of taking it out of Hong Kong; and
  (b) remains at all times in or on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which it is brought into Hong Kong;
  "authorized officer" means a person authorized by the Commissioner under section 4; (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  "bill of lading" means any document which--
  (a) bears the signature of--
  (i) the owner, charterer, agent or master of a ship; or
  (ii) the owner, hirer or person in charge of a vehicle; and
  (b) records particulars of a contract for the consignment of cargo in a vessel or vehicle;
  "cargo" means any article which is imported or exported other than--
  (a) the necessary equipment, stores or fuel of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article is imported or exported;
  (b) food and other provisions reasonably required for consumption by the crew or passengers of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  (c) items of personal property reasonably required for the personal use of the crew or passengers of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  (d) any document relating to--
  (i) the carriage of cargo in or on such vessel, aircraft or vehicle; or
  (ii) the inter-office business transactions of the owner of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  (e) articles imported or exported by a passenger of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, in his personal baggage or carried by him; and (Added, 78 of 1979, s. 2)
  (f) any article in transit unless such article is a prohibited article not falling under paragraphs (a) to (e);
  (Added 65 of 1991 s. 2)
  "commander" means, in respect of an aircraft, the member of the flight crew designated as commander of the aircraft by the operator thereof or, if no member of the flight crew is so designated, the person for the time being in command of the aircraft; "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Customs and Excise and any Deputy or Assistant Commissioner of Customs and
  Excise; (Added L. N. 294 of 1982)
  "consign" means to deliver or transmit an article into the custody of a person for the purpose of delivery or transmission of the article by that person to another specified person;
  "contraband" means an article which is exported, imported or otherwise dealt with contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or any other law controlling the import or export of any article;
  "Director" means the Director-General of Trade and, except where the expression "Director-General of Trade" is used, any Deputy or Assistant Director-General of Trade;
  (Replaced L. N. 294 of 1982. Amended L. N. 292 of 1989)
  "domestic premises" means any premises or place used exclusively for residential purposes and constituting a separate household unit;
  "export" means to take, or cause to be taken, out of Hong Kong any article; "import" means to bring, or cause to be brought, into Hong Kong any article; "licence" means a licence, certificate, authorization or permit issued under the provisions of this Ordinance;
  "manifest" means a manifest containing the particulars prescribed under section 17; (Replaced 36 of 1983 s. 2)
  "master" means, in respect of a vessel, the person (except a pilot) having for the tome being command or charge of the vessel;
  "member of the Customs and Excise Service" means any person holding an office specified in the First Schedule to the Customs and Excise Service Ordinance (Cap. 342); "owner" means, other than for the purposes of Part VI--
  (a) in respect of an article, any person being or holding himself out to be the owner, importer, exporter, consignee, agent or person in possession of, or beneficially interested in, or having any control of, or power of disposition over, the article; and
  (b) in respect of a vessel, aircraft or vehicle--
  (i) the registered owner and any person holding himself out to be the owner thereof;
  (ii) any person acting as agent for the owner in connexion with the handling of cargo carried in or on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  (iii) any person to whom the vessel, aircraft or vehicle has been chartered or hired; and
  (iv) any person having for the time being the control or management of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  "prohibited article" means any article--
  (a) the import or export of which is prohibited under the provisions of this Ordinance;
  (b) the import or export of which is permitted subject to the terms and conditions of a licence; or
  (c) the import or export of which is prohibited or controlled under any other law, not being an article in transit which is excluded from such prohibition or control;
  "smuggling" means importing, exporting, unshipping, shipping, landing, loading, carrying, conveying or otherwise dealing with any article contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or any other law controlling the import or export of any article;
  (Amended 22 of 1991 s. 3)
  "unmanifested cargo" means any cargo which is not recorded in a manifest;
  "vehicle" means every means of conveyance or of transit or other mobile apparatus used or capable of being used on land, whether on roads or rails and, in any way whatever, drawn or propelled or carried;
  "vessel" includes every description of vessel used in navigation for the carriage of persons or articles, whether or not the vessel is mechanically propelled and whether or not the vessel is towed or pushed by another vessel.
  (Amended 65 of 1991 s. 2)
  2A. Application of this Ordinance to Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance In applying the following provisions of this Ordinance to anything in respect of which a licence may be issued or the import or export of which is prohibited, under the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (Cap. 403) -
  (Amended 26 of 1993 s. 6)
  (a) in sections 8, 9, 11, 20, 21, 33, 34 and 36 a reference to "licence" is a reference to a licence issued under the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (Cap. 403);
  (b) in sections 8, 9, 11 and 36 (1) (b) a reference to "Ordinance" is a reference to the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance
  (Cap. 403); and
  (c) in sections 5, 20 (except the first reference in subsection (1) (a), 20A, 21, 23 to 28, 33, 34, 36 (1) (c)) and 37 a reference to "Ordinance" includes a reference to the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (Cap. 403).
(Added 24 of 1989 s. 18)
  3. Director's discretion to issue, cancel, revoke or suspend licences
  (1) The Director may issue any licence required under this Ordinance and may attach thereto such conditions as he may see fit to impose.
  (2) Subject to subsection (3) the Director may cancel, revoke or suspend any licence issued by him under this Ordinance.
  (3) The Director shall not cancel, revoke or suspend any such licence where he is satisfied that the holder thereof has entered into an irrevocable commitment pursuant to the issue to him of such licence, unless the article in respect of which the licence was issued is a strategic commodity specified in regulations made under this Ordinance and it is, in the opinion of the Director, necessary for him to cancel, revoke or suspend the licence in the public interest.
  (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), if the Director is satisfied that any licence was issued by him as the result of fraudulent misrepresentation of any fact or any other unlawful act by the applicant therefor he may, at any time, cancel, revoke or suspend the licence.
  (5) Every licence cancelled, revoked or suspended by the Director and all copies thereof in the possession of the licensee or any other person shall be surrendered immediately to the Director by the licensee.
  (6) Any person who contravenes subsection (5) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $5,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
  (7) The Director may serve notice of the cancellation, revocation or suspension of any licence on the holder thereof and such person shall be deemed to be served with the notice if it--
  (a) is delivered to the holder or applicant personally; or
  (b) is addressed to him and left at or forwarded by registered mail to him at his usual or last known place of abode or business.
  (8) Except where the form of a licence is, under the provisions of this Ordinance, required to be prescribed, the Director may determine the form of any licence and of any application therefor.
  (9) The Director may delegate any of the powers and duties conferred or imposed on him by this section to any appointed officer. (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  4. Power of Commissioner to appoint authorized officers The Commissioner may authorize in writing any person approved by the Secretary for Security, any public officer and any police officer of the rank of Inspector or above to exercise any of the powers and perform any of the duties conferred or imposed on an authorized officer by this Ordinance.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982; 22 of 1991 s. 4)
  4A. Appointed officers
  The Director may appoint in writing any public officer to exercise any of the powers and perform any of the duties conferred or imposed on an appointed officer by this Ordinance.
  (Added L. N. 294 of 1982)
  5. Commissioner or Director and other public officers to be subject to the Governor's directions
  (1) The Governor may give such directions as he thinks fit, either generally or in any particular case, with respect to the exercise or performance by the Commissioner or the Director or any other public officer, other than a judge, a District Judge or a magistrate, of any powers, functions or duties under this Ordinance.
  (2) The Commissioner or the Director and every public officer shall, in the exercise or performance of any powers, functions or duties under this Ordinance, comply with any directions given by the Governor under subsection (1).
(Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  6. Appeals to the Governor
  (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision, act or omission of the Commissioner or the Director or of any other public officer, other than a judge, a District Judge or a magistrate, taken, done or made in the exercise of any powers or the performance of any duties under this Ordinance may, within 14 days from the date when he was informed of the decision, act or omission or when the decision, act or commission became known to him (whichever is the later) or within such further period as the Governor may allow in any particular case, by notice in writing lodge an objection to the decision, act or omission with the Chief Secretary.
(Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) On consideration of an objection lodged in accordance with subsection (1), the Governor may confirm, vary or reverse the decision, act or omission of the Commissioner or the Director or other public officer, or substitute therefor such other decision or make such other order as he may think fit.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (3) Nothing in this section shall entitle any person to lodge an objection under this section to any decision, act or omission of the Governor or of any court.
  7. Possession of prohibited article after import
  (1) The owner of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which any prohibited article is imported shall retain possession of the prohibited article until--
  (a) in the case where the import of the prohibited article is permitted subject to the terms and conditions of a licence, there is produced to him a valid import licence issued under this Ordinance or under some other law in respect of the prohibited article; or
  (b) in any other case, the Commissioner gives to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle written directions in respect of the removal or storage of the prohibited article. (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) Any person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Amended 60 of 1980 s. 2)
  (3) It shall be a defence to a charge under subsection (1) (a) if the defendant proves that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have known that the article to which the charge relates was a prohibited article.
  8. Delivery of import licence and manifest to the Director
  (1) Subject to section 9, a person to whom an import licence has been issued under this Ordinance shall present the licence to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article is imported within 7 days after the article was imported.
  (2) On presentation of an import licence pursuant to subsection (1), the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article has been imported--
  (a) may release the article to the consignee, if he is satisfied that he is not prohibited from doing so under any condition of the import licence; and
  (b) shall, within 7 days after receiving the import licence, deliver it to the Director together with a copy or extract of the manifest of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article was imported, duly certified by him as a true copy or extract of the manifest.
  (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $5,000.
  9. Delivery of import licence and manifest in the case of part shipments
  (1) If an article which is imported forms part only of a consignment of articles in respect of which an import licence has been issued under this Ordinance, the person to whom the licence was issued shall present--
  (a) the import licence endorsed by him to this effect; and
  (b) a written declaration signed by him stating that the article which has been imported forms part only of a consignment of articles in respect of which the licence was issued, to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article was imported within 7 days after the article was imported.
  (2) The owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, on receiving from a licensee an endorsed import licence and written declaration pursuant to subsection (1)-
  (a) may release the article to the consignee, if he is satisfied that he is not prohibited from doing so under any condition of the import licence; and
  (b) shall, within 7 days after receiving the import licence and written declaration--
  (i) endorse the licence and return it to the person to whom it was issued; and
  (ii) deliver the written declaration to the Director together with a copy or extract of the manifest of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article was imported, duly certified by him as a true copy or extract of the manifest.
  (3) The written declaration referred to in subsections (1) and (2) shall be made in such form as the Director may specify from time to time.
  (4) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $ 5,000.
  10. Carriers prohibited from accepting prohibited articles for export without licence (1) The owner of a vessel, aircraft or vehicle shall not accept any prohibited article for export on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle until there is produced to him an export licence issued under this Ordinance or some other law in respect of the prohibited article.
  (2) Any person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $ 500,000 and to imprisonment for 1 year. (Amended 60 of 1980 s. 3)
  (3) It shall be a defence to a charge under this section if the defendant proves that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have known that the article to which the charge relates was a prohibited article.
  11. Delivery of export licence and manifest to the Director
  (1) When a licence has been issued under this Ordinance for the export of an article, the owner of the article shall, before it is exported, deliver the licence to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which he intends to export it.
  (2) The owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which an article in respect of which an export licence has been issued under this Ordinance is exported shall, within 14 days after the day on which the article is exported, deliver the export licence to the Director, together with a certified copy or certified extract of the manifest of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which the article has been exported.
  (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $ 5,000.
  12. Inspection and storage of prohibited articles
  (1) For the purpose of determining whether or not an article which--
  (a) has been imported within the period of 6 months preceding the date when a request is made under this subsection for the production of the same; or
  (b) is intended to be exported, is a prohibited article, the person in possession or control of article shall, if required to do so by the Commissioner, an authorized officer or member of the Customs and Excise Service of or above the rank of Revenue Inspector, produce it for inspection by the Commissioner, an authorized officer or such member of the Customs and Excise Service. (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 17)
  (2) The Commissioner, any authorized officer or a member of the Customs and Excise Service of or above the rank of Revenue Inspector shall determine whether or not any article produced to him for inspection under subsection (1) is a prohibited article. (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 17)
  (3) The person in possession or control of a prohibited article shall, if required to do so by the Commissioner or an authorized officer, cause such article to be stored in a place specified by the Commissioner or authorized officer under such conditions as he may impose.
  (4) An article stored in a specified place in accordance with the directions of the Commissioner or authorized officer under subsection (3) shall not be removed from that place unless the Commissioner or an authorized officer has authorized in writing the removal of the article.
  (5) Any person authorized in writing under subsection (4) to remove an article from a specified place shall comply with such conditions as may be imposed by the Commissioner or authorized officer on the removal of the article.
  (6) Any person who contravenes subsection (1), (3), (4) or (5) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  13. Claim and disposal of prohibited articles found without owner
  (1) The Commissioner or any authorized officer may order that any prohibited article which is found without an apparent owner shall be stored in a place specified by him subject to such conditions as he may impose.
  (2) Any person who, being in possession of a prohibited article which is found without an apparent owner, fails to comply with an order given by the Commissioner or an authorized officer under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  (3) Where a prohibited article is stored in a specified place pursuant to an order given under subsection (1), the Commissioner or an authorized officer shall, within the period of 72 hours after the prohibited article has been stored in that place, cause a notice to be exhibited at the Customs and Excise Department in a place to which the public have access--
  (a) stating that the prohibited article has been stored in that place;
  (b) calling upon the owner of the prohibited article to submit to the Commissioner a claim in respect of it within 30 days; and
  (c) stating his intention to apply to a magistrate at the expiration of 30 days from the date of the notice for an order that the prohibited article be forfeited to the Crown.
  (4) When a claim to ownership of a prohibited article is submitted to the Commissioner pursuant to a notice given under subsection (3), the claimant shall produce to the Commissioner or an authorized officer such evidence as to his ownership as may be required by the Commissioner or authorized officer.
  (5) Without prejudice to any provision of this Ordinance relating to the seizure of any article which is liable to forfeiture, the Commissioner or an authorized officer may, if he is satisfied of the validity of a claim made under subsection (4), authorize in writing the claimant to remove the prohibited article from the place in which it was stored, subject to the prior payment by the claimant of all storage and other charges which have accrued in respect of the storage of the article in the specified place.
  (6) A magistrate shall, if satisfied that the provisions of this section have been complied with and that no claim to ownership has been established, on the application of the Commissioner or an authorized officer, order that a prohibited article be forfeited to the Crown.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  14. Alteration of vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of smuggling
  (1) Any person who alters the fittings, fabric or structure, or makes use of the altered fittings, fabric or structure, of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of smuggling any article into or out of Hong Kong shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (2) If--
  (a) the Commissioner, any authorized officer or any member of the Customs and Excise Service reasonably suspects that any vessel, aircraft or vehicle has been used or is intended to be used for the purpose of smuggling; and
  (b) the vessel, aircraft or vehicle is found in Hong Kong to have--
  (i) any false bulkhead, bow, side or bottom;
  (ii) any secret or disguised place adapted for the purpose of concealing any article; or
  (iii) any hole, pipe or other device adapted for the purpose of smuggling, the fittings, fabric or structure of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle shall be presumed to have been altered for the purpose of smuggling an article into or out of Hong Kong in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (Amended 22 of 1991 s. 5)
  14A. Construction, etc., of vessels for the purpose of smuggling
  (1) Any person who constructs a vessel of less than 250 gross tons for the purpose of smuggling is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (2) Any person who repairs or maintains a vessel of less than 250 gross tons constructed for the purpose of smuggling is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $5,000,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (3) Any person found on board a vessel of less than 250 gross tons knowing that the vessel is being used for the purpose of smuggling is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (4) The master or other person in charge of a vessel of less than 250 gross tons used for the purpose of smuggling is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (5) Any vessel of less than of 250 gross tons that is under construction for the purpose of smuggling is deemed to be a vessel constructed or used for the purpose of smuggling.
  (6) In subsections (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), where--
  (a) the Commissioner, any authorized officer or any member of the Customs and Excise Service reasonably suspects that a vessel has been used or is intended to be used for the purpose of smuggling; and
  (b) it is a vessel that has--
  (i) any false bulkhead, bow, side or bottom;
  (ii) any secret or disguised place adapted for the purpose of concealing any article;
  (iii) any hole, pipe or other device adapted for the purpose of smuggling;
  (iv) a facility to mount more than 2 outboard engines where the total power of the engines could exceed 448 kilowatts;
  (v) fuel tanks or other on board fuel capacity exceeding 817 litres, such tanks or other capacity holding or suitable for holding fuel for outboard motors; or
  (vi) metal plating fitted on the hull of the vessel that could be used for ramming other vessels or for armour protection, the vessel, or vessel under construction, shall be presumed to have been under construction, constructed or used for the purpose of smuggling in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
  (7) It shall be a defence to a charge under subsection (4) for the master or other person in charge of a vessel to prove that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have known that the vessel was used for smuggling.
  (Added 22 of 1991 s. 6)
  15. Duty to provide particulars of all cargo
  (1) The master or agent of a vessel, the commander of an aircraft, the person in charge of a vehicle (other than a train) and, in the case of cargo carried by train, the handing agent in Hong Kong for such cargo shall, on entering or leaving Hong Kong--(Amended 36 of 1983 s. 3)
  (a) furnish any member of the Customs and Excise Service of or above the rank of Revenue Inspector a manifest in respect of the cargo being imported or exported in or on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle if he is requested to do so by any such member of the Customs and Excise Service; and
  (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 17; 36 of 1983 s. 3)
  (b) allow any member of the Customs and Excise Service to board the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, inspect the cargo and search the vessel for contraband.
  (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) (a) or (b) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000 and to imprisonment for 1 month.
  16. Prohibition against unauthorized placing of cargo on vessels, etc.
  (1) No person shall place any cargo in or on any vessel or aircraft without the consent of the owner of the vessel or aircraft.
  (2) No person shall place any cargo in or on any vehicle which may leave Hong Kong without the consent of the owner of the vehicle.
  (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  17. All cargo to be recorded in manifest
  (1) All cargo which is imported or exported shall be recorded in a manifest which shall contain such particulars as the Commissioner may prescribe.
  (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) the Commissioner may, by notice published in the Gazette, prescribe the particulars of the cargo and the particulars of the consignment of cargo to be recorded.
  (Replaced 36 of 1983 s. 4)
  18. Offence of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo
  (1) Any person who--
  (a) imports any unmanifested cargo; or
  (b) exports any unmanifested cargo, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years. (Amended 60 of 1980 s. 4; 3 of 1984 s. 2; 22 of 1991 s. 7)
  (2) It shall be a defence to a charge under this section against the owner of a vessel, aircraft or vehicle, if the owner proves that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have known that the cargo was unmanifested.
  18A. Assisting, etc., in export of unmanifested cargo
  (1) Any person who knowingly--
  (a) has possession of any cargo;
  (b) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any cargo; or
  (c) otherwise deals with any cargo, with intent to export the cargo without a manifest or with intent to assist another person to export the cargo without a manifest is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (2) Any person who--
  (a) has possession of any cargo;
  (b) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any cargo; or
  (c) otherwise deals with any cargo, in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable suspicion that there is intent on the part of that person to export the cargo without a manifest or to assist another person to export the cargo without a manifest, the first mentioned person will be presumed to have such intent in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
  (Added 22 of 1991 s. 8)
  19. Written list showing ports of call to be furnished to the Commissioner
  (1) The owner of any vessel shall, if required to do so by the Commissioner, an authorized officer or a member of the Customs and Excise Service, furnish forthwith to the Commissioner or to the authorized officer or member of the Customs and Excise Service, a written list showing, so far as the owner is aware, every port or place at which the vessel has called during the period of 3 months immediately preceding the date of its arrival in Hong Kong.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $200.
  20. General powers of members of Customs and Excise Service, etc.
  (1) Without prejudice to the powers conferred by section 21, any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may, for the purposes of this Ordinance--
  (a) enter at any reasonable time and search any premises (other than domestic premises) or place registered under this Ordinance or occupied by a person who has been registered under this Ordinance or a person who is the holder of a licence; (Amended 3 of 1973 s. 2)
  (b) stop, board and search any vessel, aircraft or vehicle;
  (c) require the production of--
  (i) any licence;
  (ii) any document which relates to the origin or nature of any article or which he suspects to be relevant to an offence under this Ordinance; or
  (iii) any record or other document required to be kept by this Ordinance;
  (Replaced 3 of 1973 s. 2)
  (d) examine and take copies of any licence or of any record or document referred to in paragraph (c);
  (Replaced 3 of 1973 s. 2)
  (e) take, without payment but subject to the issue of an official receipt for it, such sample of any article in respect of which any licence may be issued under this Ordinance as may be required by the Commissioner for the purpose of examination and investigation; (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (f) examine any article if he considers it necessary to do so to ascertain whether or not the provisions of this Ordinance are being, or have been, complied with by any person in respect of that article; or
  (g) stop and search any person entering or leaving Hong Kong: Provided that no person shall be searched except by a person of the same sex or be searched in a public place if he objects to being so searched.
  (2) Any member of the Customs and excise Service and any authorized officer may require--
  (a) any person to whom a licence has been issued;
  (b) any person who has been registered under this Ordinance; and
  (c) any servant, employee or agent of any person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), to furnish such information or take such action as may be necessary to enable the member of the Customs and Excise Service or the authorized officer to exercise the powers conferred on him under this Ordinance.
  (3) When a sample of any article has been taken by a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer pursuant to subsection (1) (e) the Commissioner may, after examination and investigation of it, direct that the sample be returned to the owner thereof or disposed of in such manner as the Commissioner thinks fit.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  20A. Removal of articles may be prohibited until importer known
  (1) In this section and section 20B--
  "article" means article of cargo;
  "consignee" includes the agent of the consignee and any person entitled to the delivery of an article;
  "officer" means any member of the Customs and Excise Service or any authorized officer.
  (2) Where any article is upon any vessel, aircraft or vehicle for importation in Hong Kong and an officer, for the purpose of carrying out his functions under this Ordinance, requires to know the identity of the consignee of the article or to verify the particulars supplied to him by any person, or in any document, relating to the identity of the consignee, the officer may give notice to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle prohibiting such owner from removing, or permitting the removal of, the article--
  (a) from the vessel, aircraft or vehicle except to a place specified in the notice, being a place designated by such owner, and
  (b) from such place, save in accordance with permission therefor granted under subsection (4).
  (3) A copy of any notice given under subsection (2) shall, where the goods are to be stored in premises occupied by a person other than the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, be given also to the person occupying such premises and such person shall not remove, or permit the removal of, the article from his premises save in accordance with permission therefor granted under subsection (4).
  (4) The officer giving notice under subsection (2) shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, after he knows of the identity, or he verifies the particulars, of the consignee of the article to which the notice relates, permit the person upon whom the notice is served to remove, or permit the removal of, the article from the place where, by virtue of the notice, it may lawfully be kept either--
  (a) unconditionally, in which case he shall notify the person on whom the notice is served in writing; or
  (b) after examination of the article in accordance with the powers vested in such officer under section 20.
  (5) It shall be the duty of the person upon whom a notice is served under subsection (2) or (3), at any time prior to the grant of permission under subsection (4), upon obtaining information as to the identity or particulars of the consignee of the article to which the notice relates, being information not previously supplied by such person to the officer giving the notice, to supply such information to the officer specified in the notice.
  (Added 36 of 1983 s. 5)
  20B. Requirement that articles may be removed from vessel etc. for examination (1) Where any article is upon any vessel, aircraft or vehicle for importation into Hong Kong and an officer desires, in the exercise of his functions under section 20, to examine such article, but he is of the opinion that such article can be more conveniently examined after it has been removed from such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, he may give notice to the consignee of the article, or, in the case of an article in transit being a prohibited article to the owner of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, requiring the article to be removed for examination to premises specified in the notice, being premises nominated by the consignee or such owner, as the case may be.
  (2) A copy of any notice given under subsection (1) shall, where the goods are to be removed to premises occupied by a person other than the consignee or such owner, as the case may be, be given also to the person occupying such premises.
  (3) The consignee or such owner, as the case may be, and, in the event of a copy of the notice being served upon any occupier under subsection (2), the occupier, shall not remove, or permit the removal of, the article from the premises specified in the notice given under subsection (1) until--
  (a) the article has been examined by an officer in accordance with the powers vested in such officer under section 20; or
  (b) an officer has informed such consignee, owner or occupier in writing that such examination is unnecessary.
  (4) Where an article is removed to any premises pursuant to a notice given under subsection (1), it shall be the duty of--
  (a) every person in control of such premises to permit an officer to have access to the article and to examine it in accordance with the powers vested in such officer under section 20; and
  (b) the Commissioner to ensure that such examination is made as soon as reasonably practicable.
  (5) It may be the condition of any notice given under subsection (1) that the article shall, at all times until it is examined by an officer under section 20, be guarded by an officer and if there is such a condition, an officer may enter upon any place where the article is and take such measures as are reasonably necessary to protect the article from interference.
  (6) Notice under this section and section 20A shall be in such form and given in such manner as may be prescribed.
  (Added 36 of 1983 s. 5. Amended 65 of 1991 s. 3)
  21. Special powers of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
  (1) Subject to section 22, any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may, if he reasonably suspects that there is, in or on any premises or place, vessel, aircraft or vehicle, any article in respect of which an offence has been committed under this Ordinance or which is, or contains, evidence of the commission of such offence--
  (a) enter and search any such premises or place;
  (b) stop, board, remove, detain and search any vessel, aircraft or vehicle.
  (2) Any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may seize--
  (a) any article--
  (i) in respect of which he reasonably suspects that an offence has been committed under this Ordinance; or
  (ii) which he reasonably suspects to be, or to contain, evidence of the commission of such an offence; and
  (b) any vessel which has a tonnage not exceeding 250 gross tons and any vehicle, if he reasonably suspects such vessel or vehicle to have been used in connexion with the commission of an offence under this Ordinance.
  (3) Subject to section 22, any member of the Customs and Excise Service or any authorized officer may enter and search any premises or place connected with the manufacture, processing, production, storage, distribution or sale of any article in respect of which a licence has been issued under this Ordinance.
  (4) The owner of any article, licence or other document seized by a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer under this section may, on application to the Commissioner and subject to such conditions as the Commissioner may impose, photograph or make any other form of copy of the seized article, licence or document.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  22. Restrictions upon exercise of special powers of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
  (1) No domestic premises shall be entered and searched by a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer unless--
  (a) a magistrate has issued a warrant under subsection (2); or
  (b) a member of the Customs and Excise Service of or above the rank of Assistant Superintendent has given an authorization under subsection (3).
  (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 17; L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) A magistrate may, if he is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that there is in any domestic premises any thing which may be seized under section 21, issue a warrant authorizing a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer to enter and search the premises.
  (3) A member of the Customs and Excise Service of or above the rank of Assistant Superintendent may, if he reasonably suspects--
  (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 17; L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (a) that there is in any domestic premises any thing which may be seized under section 21; and
  (b) that unless the premises are entered and searched immediately such thing is likely to be removed from the premises, authorize in writing a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer to enter and search the premises.
  (4) A member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer authorized under subsection (2) or (3) to enter and search any domestic premises may call upon any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer to assist him in entering and searching the premises.
  (5) No vessel which has a tonnage exceeding 250 gross tons shall be detained under section 21 (1) for more than 12 hours without the consent of the Chief Secretary, who may, by order in writing under his hand, detain such a vessel for further periods of not more than 12 hours each.
  (6) No aircraft shall be detained under section 21 (1) for more than 6 hours without the consent of the Chief Secretary, who may, by order in writing under his hand, detain an aircraft for further periods of not more than 6 hours each.
  (7) Any order made by the Chief Secretary under subsection (5) or (6) shall state the times from which and for which the order shall be effective.
  23. Powers of arrest of authorized officers and members of the Customs and Excise Service
  (1) Any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may, subject to subsection (2), arrest or detain for further inquiries without warrant any person whom he reasonably suspects of having committed any offence under this Ordinance.
  (2) Any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer who arrests any person under subsection (1) shall take the person to a police station or, if further inquiries are necessary, first to the office of the Commissioner of the Customs and Excise Service and then to a police station, there to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions
of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232): Provided that in no case shall any person be detained for more than 48 hours without being charged and brought before a magistrate.
  (3) If any person forcibly resists or attempts to evade arrest under this section, the member of the Customs and Excise Service or the authorized officer may use such force as is reasonably necessary to effect the arrest.
  (4) If any member of the Customs and Excise Service or any authorized officer has reason to believe that a person whom he intends to arrest (hereinafter in this section referred to as the suspected offender) has entered into or is in any place or premises, any person residing in or in charge of such place or premises shall, on demand by the member or authorized officer, allow him free entry thereto and afford all reasonable facilities to search for the suspected offender therein.
  (5) If entry to such premises or place cannot be obtained under subsection (4) a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer, in any case in which a warrant to enter and search such premises or place may issue but cannot be obtained without affording the suspected offender an opportunity to escape, may enter the premises or place and therein search for the suspected offender and for the purpose of entry or search may break open any outer or inner door or window of the premises or place.
  24. Ancillary powers of investigation of suspected offence Any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may--
  (a) use such force as is reasonably necessary to enter any place or premises which he is empowered by this Ordinance to enter and search;
  (b) use such force as is reasonably necessary to stop, board, remove, detain and search any vessel, aircraft or vehicle which he is empowered by this Ordinance to stop, board, remove, detain and search;
  (c) use such force as is reasonably necessary to remove any person or thing obstructing him in the exercise of any power conferred on him by this Ordinance;
  (d) detain any person found in any premises or place which he is empowered by this Ordinance to search until such premises or place has been searched;
  (e) prevent any person from approaching, boarding or leaving any vessel, aircraft or vehicle which he is empowered by this Ordinance to stop, board and search until it has been searched;
  (f) search the person and property and effects of any person whom he reasonably suspects of being guilty of an offence under this Ordinance: Provided that no person shall be searched except by a person of the same sex or be searched in a public place if he objects to being so searched.
  25. Locks and seals on premises, vessels, etc.
  (1) Any member of the Customs and Excise Service and any authorized officer may, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred on him by this Ordinance, place a lock or seal on any premises or place, or on any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or article.
  (2) If a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer has placed a lock or seal on any premises, or on any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or article, any person who breaks or interferes with such a lock or seal shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $5,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months: Provided that if--
  (a) any person breaks or interferes with any such lock or seal in the bona fide belief that it is necessary immediately to break or interfere with the lock or seal in order to prevent--
  (i) injury being suffered by any person; or
  (ii) damage being incurred to any premises, article, vessel, aircraft or vehicle; or
  (b) any public officer breaks or interferes with any such lock or seal in the exercise of his lawful duties, such person or public officer shall be deemed not to have contravened this subsection.
  26. Obstruction of members of the Customs and Excise Service, etc.
  (1) Any person who--
  (a) obstructs a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer in the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty conferred or imposed on members of the Customs and Excise Service and authorized officers by this Ordinance;
  (Amended 36 of 1983 s. 6)
  (b) fails to comply with any requirement, direction or demand given or made by a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer in the exercise or performance of any such power, or duty; or
  (Amended 36 of 1983 s. 6)
  (c) fails to comply with a notice given him under sections 20A and 20B;
  (Added 36 of 1983 s. 6)
  (d) contravenes section 20A (3) or 20B (3); (Added 36 of 1983 s. 6)
  (e) fails to supply information which it is his duty to supply under section 20A (5), (Added 36 of 1983 s. 6)
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  (2) Any person who knowingly make a false report, or furnishes any false or misleading information, to any member of the Customs and Excise Service or any authorized officer in performing his duties under this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  27. Seized articles, etc. liable to forfeiture
  (1) There shall be liable to forfeiture--
  (a) any article which has been seized by a member of the Customs and Excise Service or an authorized officer in connexion with the contravention of any provision of this Ordinance;
  (b) any vessel not exceeding 250 gross tons and any vehicle so seized and which has been used in connexion with, or is the subject of, the contravention of any provision of this Ordinance, (Amended 22 of 1991 s. 9) whether or not any person has been convicted of an offence in respect of such contravention.
  (2) The Commissioner may, at any time before serving notice under subsection (3), restore any article (other than an article referred to in the Schedule) or any vessel or vehicle which is liable to forfeiture to the person who appears to him to be the owner thereof or the authorized agent of the owner; and upon such restoration the provisions of this section and sections 28, 29 and 30 shall cease to apply to the article, vessel or vehicle.
  (3) Within 21 days after the seizure of any article, vessel or vehicle which appears to him to be liable to forfeiture under subsection (1), the Commissioner shall serve notice of such seizure upon the owner of the article, vessel or vehicle: Provided that if there is more than one owner of any such article, vessel or vehicle, it shall be sufficient for the purposes of this subsection to give notice to one such owner.
  (4) A notice given under subsection (3) shall be deemed to have been duly served if--
  (a) it is delivered to the person on whom it is to be served;
  (b) it is sent by registered post addressed to such person at the place of residence or business of such person, if any, known to the Commissioner; or
  (c) where it cannot be served in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b), the notice is exhibited at the Customs and Excise Department, in a place to which the public have access, for a period of not less than 7 days commencing within 21 days from the date of the seizure of the article, vessel or vehicle.
  (5) Where a notice has been served under subsection (3) in respect of any article, vessel or vehicle seized under this Ordinance any person--
  (a) who is the owner thereof or the authorized agent of the owner; or
  (b) who was in possession of the article, vessel or vehicle when it was seized, (hereinafter referred to as the claimant) may, within 30 days after--
  (i) the date of the notice, if it was served under subsection (4) (a) or (b); or
  (ii) the first day on which it was exhibited, if it was served under subsection (4) (c), give notice in writing to the Commissioner that he claims that the article, vessel or vehicle is not liable to forfeiture.
  (6) If, on the date of expiration of the appropriate period of time specified in subsection (5) for the giving of a notice of claim, under that subsection, no such notice has been given in writing to the Commissioner the article, vessel or vehicle in respect of which notice was given under subsection (3) shall be forfeited forthwith to the Crown.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  28. Determination by magistrate of applications for forfeiture
  (1) When a notice of claim is given under section 27 (5), the Commissioner or an authorized officer shall apply to a magistrate for the forfeiture of the article, vessel or vehicle and shall state in the application the name and address of the claimant as specified in the notice of the claim.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) When any such application is made to a magistrate, the magistrate shall issue a summons to the claimant, requiring him to appear before a magistrate upon the hearing of the application, and shall cause a copy of such summons to be served upon the Commissioner. (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (3) If, at the time and place appointed in a summons issued under subsection (2), the claimant or some other person who, though not the claimant, was, or would have been, entitled to make a claim under section 27 (5), appears before a magistrate, the magistrate shall hear the application.
  (4) If, at such time and place, neither the claimant nor any other person who, though not the claimant, was, or would have been, entitled to make a claim under section 27 (5), appears before a magistrate and the magistrate is satisfied that the summons was duly served, the magistrate shall hear the application.
  (5) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, an application under this section shall be deemed to be a complaint for the purposes of section 8 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap. 227).
  (6) Upon the hearing of an application under this section a magistrate shall order that the article, vessel or vehicle, as the case may be, be forfeited to the Crown--
  (a) in the case where--
  (i) the person who appears in answer to the summons fails to satisfy the magistrate that he was, or would have been, entitled to make a claim under section 27 (5) in respect of the seized article, vessel or vehicle; and
  (ii) no other person appears before the magistrate and satisfies him that he was, or would have been, entitled to make such claim; and
  (iii) the magistrate is satisfied that the article, vessel or vehicle is liable to forfeiture; or
  (b) in the case where the magistrate is satisfied that the article--
  (i) is liable to forfeiture; and
  (ii) is such an article as is referred to in the Schedule.
  (7) Upon the hearing of the application under this section, in any case other than a case referred to in subsection   (6) (a) or (b) a magistrate may, if he is satisfied--
  (a) that a person is, or would have been, entitled to make a claim under section 27 (5) in respect of the seized article, vessel or vehicle; and
  (b) that the article (not being such an article as is referred to in the Schedule), vessel or vehicle is liable to forfeiture, order that the article, vessel or vehicle--
  (i) be forfeited to the Crown;
  (ii) be delivered to the owner thereof or the authorized agent of the owner subject to any condition which he may specify in the order; or
  (iii) be disposed of in such manner and subject to any such condition as he may specify in the order.
  (8) Upon the hearing of the application--
  (a) a certified true copy of the record of the proceedings, including the decision of the court, in any proceedings in respect of the contravention of any provision of this Ordinance shall be admissible in evidence; and
  (b) a certificate issued by a Certifying Authority certifying the gross tonnage of any vessel shall, upon production of the certificate and without proof of the signature thereon, be admissible as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein. (Amended 22 of 1991 s. 10)
  (9) In subsection (8), "Certifying Authority" means the Director of Marine or any person authorized by him as a certifying authority under the Merchant Shipping (Registration) (Tonnage) Regulations (Cap. 415 sub. leg. ). (Added 22 of 1991 s. 10)
  29. Power to release seized vessels and vehicles prior to the hearing
  (1) Where an application has been made under section 28 in respect of a vessel or vehicle which is liable to forfeiture, a magistrate may, upon payment into court by way of security of a sum of money not less in amount than the value of the seized vessel or vehicle, as assessed by the Commissioner or an authorized officer, order that the vessel or vehicle be delivered to the claimant thereof upon the condition that the vessel or vehicle be re-delivered into the custody of the Commissioner before the date of hearing of the application.
  (2) If--
  (a) a magistrate has ordered under subsection (1) that a seized vessel or vehicle be delivered to the claimant thereof; and
  (b) the vessel or vehicle is not delivered into the custody of the Commissioner before the date of the hearing under section 28, the magistrate hearing the application may, in lieu of ordering under section 28 (6) or (7) that the vessel or vehicle be forfeited to the Crown, order that the money paid into court under subsection (1) of this section be forfeited to the Crown or returned to the person who paid it into court.
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  30. Claims for the return of forfeited articles, etc.
  (1) The owner of any article, vessel or vehicle forfeited to the Crown under this Ordinance, or the authorized agent of the owner, may, within 6 weeks after--
  (a) the article, vessel or vehicle has been forfeited to the Crown under section 27 (6) or has been forfeited to the Crown by order of a magistrate under section 28 (6) or (7); or
  (b) the determination of any appeal against an order for forfeiture of the article, vessel or vehicle made by a magistrate under section 28 (6) or
  (7), give notice in writing to the Commissioner of his intention to submit to the Governor a moral claim in respect of the forfeited article, vessel or vehicle. (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (2) Where the owner of any forfeited article, vessel or vehicle or his authorized agent has given notice in writing to the Commissioner under subsection (1) and has submitted a moral claim to the Governor by lodging it in triplicate with the Chief Secretary within one month from the date of such notice, the Governor after considering the claim may--
  (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982)
  (a) order the return of the forfeited article, vessel or vehicle to the claimant; or
  (b) direct that the claim be referred to the Governor in Council.
  (3) The Governor in Council after considering the claim referred to him under subsection (2) may--
  (a) order the return of the forfeited article, vessel or vehicle to the claimant; or
  (b) reject the claim.
  31. Power to make regulations
  (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for all or any of the following purposes--
  (a) prohibiting the import and export of any article;
  (b) prohibiting the import and export of any article except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence;
  (c) providing for the issue of licences to import or export any article;
  (ca) empowering the Director to exempt any person from any requirement to obtain a licence to import or export any prohibited article; (Added 50 of 1984 s. 2)
  (d) prescribing conditions to be observed by any person before or after the issue of an import licence or an export licence;
  (e) imposing upon owners of ships, aircraft and vehicles, masters of ships, commanders of aircraft and persons in charge of vehicles such obligations in respect of manifests, bills of lading, air waybills, air consignment notes and such other similar matters as may be necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance;
  (f) imposing other conditions or restrictions on the import or export of any article;
  (g) imposing conditions or restrictions on any cargo placed in or on any vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of import or export;
  (h) controlling the examination and storage of articles imported or exported or about to be imported or exported;
  (i) requiring any person importing or exporting any article to give any specified information in respect of the article before or after it has been imported or exported;
  (j) regulating the movement within Hong Kong of any article which has been or is intended to be imported or exported or otherwise dealt with under the provisions of this Ordinance;
  (ja) providing for the imposition of conditions in the discretion of the Commissioner on the carriage of articles prescribed by the regulations or by the Director in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on or by vessels in the waters of Hong Kong including activities incidental to the transportation on land of the articles to the vessels and loading of such articles on to such vessels and for the issue of licences by the Commissioner to regulate all such activities; (Added 22 of 1991 s. 11)
  (k) providing for the issue of certificates in respect of the importing, exporting, producing, processing, manufacturing and composition of any article and for conditions which may be attached to such certificate;
  (l) providing for the issue of certificates in respect of preferential customs tariffs and for conditions which may be attached to such certificate;
  (m) providing for the registration of any person applying for the issue of any licence and for conditions which may be attached to such registration;
  (n) providing for the registration of any person importing, exporting, manufacturing, processing, storing, distributing, selling or dealing with any article in respect of which any licence may be issued and for the conditions which may be attached to the registration of any such person;
  (o) providing for the registration of any premises--
  (i) in respect of which any licence may be issued; or
  (ii) connected with the importing, exporting, manufacture, processing, storage, distribution, sale or other dealing with any article in respect of which any licence may be issued, and prescribing any condition upon the registration of such premises;
  (p) providing for the cancellation, revocation or suspension for any period of the registration of any person where the Director is satisfied that the person so registered has contravened any condition of any licence;
  (q) providing for the imposition and administration of quota controls in respect of the import or export of any article;
  (r) providing for the sale or transfer of any quota and for the conditions under which any quota may be sold or transferred;
  (s) providing for the registration of any person involved in any dealing with an article on which any quota control is imposed and the transfer of any such registration from one person to another;
  (t) requiring importers, exporters, carriers, owners and manufacturers to furnish to the Director or any other specified public officer information for the purpose of compiling statistics of overseas trade;
  (u) prohibiting or controlling the publication or disclosure of information or particulars furnished to the Commissioner or the Director, an authorized officer, an appointed officer or a member of the Customs and Excise Service under this Ordinance;
  (v) providing for the verification of any particulars or information required to be furnished by any person under this Ordinance;
  (w) providing that any person who fails to submit any document or furnish any information to the Commissioner or the Director or other specified public officer within a prescribed period of time shall be liable to pay a prescribed sum of money, which sum shall be a civil debt due to and recoverable by the Crown;
  (x) prescribing fees to be collected by the Commissioner or the Director in respect of any matter arising under this Ordinance and generally to prescribe the mode and time of payment of such fees;
  (y) empowering the Director to determine the form of any licence and any undertaking required under this Ordinance;
  (z) providing that the Director-General of Trade may, by notice published in the Gazette, amend the Schedule to any regulation made under this Ordinance; (Amended L. N. 292 of 1989)
  (za) requiring any person to whom a licence has been issued to keep such records or documents as may be prescribed or as the Director may determine; (Added 3 of 1973 s. 3)
  (aa) levying, with or without exception or exemption, a charge on persons or any category or persons who furnish particulars pursuant to any regulation made under this section, and prescribing the amount or method of ascertaining the amount of such charge and the mode and time of payment thereof;
  (ab) imposing or providing for the imposition of a pecuniary penalty, recoverable civilly, on any person who, being required under any regulation made under this Ordinance to lodge a declaration with the Commissioner in connexion with the import or export of any article, fails to lodge such a declaration or fails to lodge such a declaration within a prescribed period of time;
  (ac) empowering the Commissioner to waive the payment of any pecuniary penalty imposed under regulations made under paragraph
  (ab) and to refund any such pecuniary penalty which has been paid;
  (ad) empowering the Director to require an applicant for a licence to deposit with him, before the issue of a licence, such sum of money as the Director may specify;
  (ae) providing for the forfeiture to the Crown by a magistrate of all or any of the sum of money deposited under regulations made under paragraph (ad);
  (af) prescribing any thing which is to be or may be prescribed under this Ordinance; and
  (ag) generally for the better carrying out of the provisions and purposes of this Ordinance. (Amended L. N. 294 of 1982) (2) Subject to subsection (3), regulations made under this section may provide that a contravention of any such regulation shall be an offence and may prescribe penalties therefor.
  (3) Regulations made under this section may prescribe that a contravention or breach thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $500,000 and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years. (Amended 60 of 1980 s. 5)
  (4) No regulation made under paragraph (aa), (ad), (ac), (ad) or (ae) shall come into operation until it has been approved by resolution of the Legislative Council.
  32. Power to levy by resolution of Legislative Council The Legislative Council may by resolution provide for the imposition of a levy upon any person required under this Ordinance to furnish information for the purpose of compiling statistics of overseas trade and to provide for the method of determination of the levy and the mode and time of payment thereof.
  33. Evidentiary provisions
  (1) In any proceedings under this Ordinance it shall, unless the contrary is proved, be presumed that any cargo recorded in an import manifest furnished by--
  (a) the master of a vessel;
  (b) the commander of an aircraft;
  (c) the person in charge of a vehicle; or
  (d) the owner of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, has been imported in or on such vessel, aircraft or vehicle.
  (2) In any proceedings under this Ordinance it shall, unless the contrary is proved, be presumed that any cargo recorded in an export manifest furnished by--
  (a) the master of a vessel;
  (b) the commander of an aircraft;
  (c) the person in charge of a vehicle; or
  (d) the owner of such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, at any time before or after the departure from Hong Kong of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, has been exported, or is intended to be exported, in or on such vessel, aircraft or vehicle.
  (3) Any copy of an import manifest or an export manifest produced to the Director, an authorized officer or a member of the Customs and Excise Service under any provision of this Ordinance shall be admissible as evidence of the contents of the import manifest or export manifest of which it is a copy in any proceedings under this Ordinance; and the cargo referred to in the copy of such manifest shall be presumed until the contrary is proved, to have been imported or exported as the case may be in or on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle to which the copy of the manifest relates.
  (4) Any copy of a licence or other document produced to the Director, an authorized officer of a member of the Customs and Excise Service under any provision of this Ordinance shall be admissible as evidence of the contents of the licence or other document of which it is a copy in any proceedings under this Ordinance before a court or magistrate.
  34. Onus of proof in court proceedings
  (1) In any proceedings under this Ordinance the onus of proving--
  (a) the place--
  (i) from which an article has been imported; or
  (ii) to which an article is intended to be exported; or
  (b) that an article--
  (i) has been imported in accordance with the terms of a licence;
  (ii) is intended to be exported in accordance with the terms of a licence;
  (iii) has been imported for the sole purpose of exporting the article;
  (iv) has been lawfully placed in or on any vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of exporting the article;
  (v) has been lawfully removed from any vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which it was imported;
  (vi) has been lawfully delivered to or placed in any premises or place after it has been imported; or
  (vii) has been recorded in the manifest of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which it has been imported or is intended to be exported, shall lie upon the defendant in any such criminal proceedings and the claimant in any forfeiture proceedings.
  (2) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of Part IV of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap. 8) (which relates to the admissibility of hearsay evidence in civil proceedings) shall apply as if proceedings under this Ordinance were civil proceedings.
  35. Application of Ordinance to postal packets
  (1) The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to any article contained in a postal packet.
  (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), a postal packet contained in a sealed mail bag shall, if the mail bag is listed in the manifest of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which it is imported or exported, not be construed as cargo for the purposes of this Ordinance.
  (3) Any authorized officer or any member of the Customs and Excise Service may, in the presence of and under the directions of an officer of the Post Office, open and examine any postal packet held in the custody of the Post Office.
  (4) For the purposes of this section, the terms "mail bag", "Post Office", "officer of the Post Office" and "postal packet" shall have the meanings assigned to such terms, respectively, under section 2 of the Post Office Ordinance (Cap. 98).
  35A. Assisting, etc. in carriage of prohibited, etc., articles
  (1) Any person who knowingly--
  (a) has possession of any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance;
  (b) has possession of any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance;
  (c) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance;
  (d) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance;
  (e) otherwise deals with any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance; or
  (f) otherwise deals with any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance, with intent to evade the restriction or prohibition or to assist another person to evade the restriction or prohibition is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (2) Any person who--
  (a) has possession of any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance;
  (b) has possession of any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance;
  (c) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance;
  (d) assists with the carrying, removing, depositing, harbouring, keeping or concealing of any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance;
  (e) otherwise deals with any article, the carriage of which is restricted under regulations made under this Ordinance; or
  (f) otherwise deals with any article, the export of which is prohibited under any law in force in Hong Kong or is prohibited other than in accordance with a licence issued under this Ordinance, in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable suspicion that there is intent on the part of that person to evade a restriction or prohibition or to assist another person to evade a restriction or prohibition, the first mentioned person will be presumed to have such intent in the absence of evidence to the contrary. (Added 22 of 1991 s. 12)
  36. Offences in respect of licences
  (1) Any person who, in respect of--
  (a) an application for the issue of a licence;
  (b) an application for registration under this Ordinance; or
  (c) any declaration, document or article required to be lodged with the Director, an authorized officer or member of the Customs and Excise Service pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, makes or causes to be made any statement or furnishes or causes to be furnished any information orally or in writing which is false or misleading in a material particular or omits any material particular shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years, unless he satisfies the court or magistrate that he did not know and had no reason to believe the statement or information to be false or misleading or the omission to be material.
  (Amended 3 of 1984 s. 3)
  (2) Any person who--
  (a) forges any licence;
  (b) without the authority of the Director makes any alteration to any licence; or
  (c) knowingly utters or makes use of any licence that has been forged or, without the authority of the Director, altered, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine or $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
  (Replaced 3 of 1984 s. 3)
  36A. Offences by directors, etc. of corporations
  Where an offence under section 36 is committed by a body corporate, every person who, at the time of the commission of the offence, was a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or any person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, shall be guilty of the like offence unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence.
  (Added 3 of 1984 s. 4)
  37. Time limitation for criminal proceedings
  A complaint may be made or an information laid in respect of an offence under this Ordinance within 2 years from the time when the matter of such complaint or information respectively arose.
  38. Informers
  Save where, in the opinion of the court, justice so requires, the name or identity of any informer and the information given by such informer shall not be disclosed in any civil or criminal proceedings and the court may make any order and adopt any procedure necessary to prevent any such disclosure.
  39. Amendment of Schedule
  The Governor may amend the Schedule by notice published in the Gazette.
  [ss. 27, 28 & 39]
  1. (Repealed L. N. 257 of 1973)
  2. (Repealed L. N. 210 of 1975)
  3. Any article prescribed in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 to the Import and Export
  (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Cap. 60 sub. leg. ).
  (Amended 65 of 1991 s. 4; L. N. 28 of 1993)
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