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身份与契约 ——全球化背景下对国家主权的观察(6)
www.110.com 2010-07-26 12:33

    2.依据Black‘s Law Dictionary的解释,身份(status)是“the legal relation of individual to rest of the community”, 见Black’s Law Dictionary, by Henry Campbell Black, fifth edition, West Publishing Co., 1979, pp1264.

    3.已有学者指出:主权的概念一直被用来标明国家的总体功能。见:Ingrid Detter, The International Legal Order, Dartmouth Publishing Company Limited , 1998. 44.


    5.见约瑟夫。A.凯米莱里 吉米。福尔克《主权的终结?——日趋“缩小”和“碎片化”的世界政治》(李东燕译),浙江人民出版社,2001年5月版,第22页。





    10.依据《联合国章程》,联合国大会所通过的决议,一般而言,并不具有法律效力,但联大决议可以表述出国际习惯法规则。这一段规定的英文表述为:“All states enjoy sovereign equality. They have equal rights and duties and are equal members of the international community, notwithstanding differences of an economic, social, political or other nature. In particular, sovereign equality includes the following elements: (a) States are juridically equal; (b)Each state enjoys the rights inherent in full sovereignty; (c)Each state has the duty to respect the personality of other states; (d)The territorial integrity and political independence of the state are inviolable; (e)Each state has the right freely to choose and develop its political, social economic and cultural systems; (f)Each state has the duty to comply fully and in good faith with its international obligations and to live in peace with other states.”

    11. [英]詹宁斯、瓦茨:《奥本海国际法》第一卷第一分册,王铁崖等译,275页,北京,中国大百科全书出版社,1995.



    14.非政府组织也在某些领域对国家行为以直接或间接的影响(可参见:Edith Brown Weiss, The New

    International Legal System, In Nandasiri Jasentuliyana, Edited, Perspectives on International Law, Kluwer Law International, 1995, 67-69.)但从与国家的关系上看,非政府组织的地位与公司和个人的地位大致相同。

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