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www.110.com 2010-07-26 10:51


  Abstract: The rural social pension insurance lags behind in the objective demand for social economic development seriously. During the process of the family supports parents turning to the social pension system ,there are many problems , such that too low the number of the insurance premium is , preserving and appreciation of the value of the pension fund is very difficult ,and that the management level is too low. The preserving and appreciation of the value of the pension fund is crucial , as to this, I will talk that which subject should responsible for , should shoulder which kind of responsibility .On the basis of realizing necessity and urgency of setting up countryside pension insurance in our country, we should change unreasonable places in the system of the rural social pension insurance of the present stage , stage by stage and step by step, work hard for realizing the unified pension insurance system in urban and rural areas.

  关键词:农村社会养老保险 家庭养老 养老保险基金 国家 集体经济组织

  Key words: Rural social pension insurance The family supports

  parents Endowment insured fund country Collective economic organization


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