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www.110.com 2010-07-08 17:40

网络侵权纠纷案件的地域管辖问题引发了众多的争议。本文从分析网络对 传统地域管辖原则的冲击入手,综合评述了各种新管辖理论,提出网络侵权案件应当由原告住所地法院优先管辖,在原告住所地法院为不方便法院的情况下,可由侵 权行为地法院管辖。网络侵权行为地的确定应区分侵权行为实施地和结果地,并可以计算机终端所在地、ICP服务器所在地及是否有意利用等作为参考因素。本文 在充分论证的基础上,分析了最高院有关网络侵权纠纷管辖的两个司法解释的不足,并提出了相应的立法建议。
The territorial jurisdiction of cyberspace tort disputes have given birth to much debates. Based on the discussion upon traditional principles of jurisdiction, the author generally expressed his opinion on new theories arising from this field and put forward that the local court in the plaintiff's residence should have the priority to deal with such actions unless it was considered as a forum non convenience. In such a circumstance, the local court in the place of an infringe act could become a stand-in. There must be a difference between the places where the infringe act is committed and where it ends when we try to make a determination of the place of an infringe act. And where the terminal computers or the ICP severs located and whether they are intentionally used by relevant parties even could be the referenced factors in such a job. In this article, the author has also bought out his advice for legislation of cyberspace tort disputes by adequately opening out shortages in two judicial interpretations of Supreme People's Court of PRC.
Key Words: cyberspace tort, territorial jurisdiction, plaintiff's residence, place of an infringe act, intentionally used, forum non conveniencee

如果不是互联网,大概谁都不会想象得到,有朝一日关于侵权案件的地域管辖的争议会闹得如此 沸沸扬扬。在我们所能接触到的已付诸司法实践的网络侵权案件中,几乎找不出一例不涉及管辖争议的案件来。虽然存在并不仅仅在于被感知,但毋庸置疑的是,在 网络侵权案件中,“地域管辖”已经成为相关的当事人、律师甚至法院必争的领土。

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