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www.110.com 2010-07-15 16:51


关键词:投资者保护 证券投资基金 基金发起人 法律地位


( Law school,Guizhou University , Guiyang Guizhou 550025)

Abstract:There is no specific provision on the legal status of sponsors of security investment funds in current law.while the sponsors of security investment funds are both the subject who enter into the contract and the subject who determine the trustee,therfore,they play important roles in the operation of funds. there still are some argutions about their legal status, as a result ,it's still significative to study the legal status of fund sponsors thoroughly in the theory and practice sense.This text tries to make some study of the legal status of the sponsors of security investment funds on the foothold of investor protection with the fund legislative purpose of the fund industry health development.

Key words: Investor protection Security investment funds Sponsor of security investment funds Legal status


证券投资基金是十九世纪人类伟大的创造,伴随金融创新和金融全球化而方兴未艾,我国自1991年武汉证券投资基金诞生以来,基金市场蓬勃发展,截止 2004年10月底,国内已有基金公司44家,基金的资产净值达3244.88亿元。基金业发展迅速,而立法研究滞后,2003年《证券投资基金法》在一定程度上弥补了基金立法的空白,塑造了二元受托人的中国式基金,但对于基金法律关系当事人规定不足,特别是证券投资基金发起人法律地位留下空白,不得不说是一种遗憾。基金发起人虽然只存在基金发起阶段,但却是基金合同的缔结者,同时又是基金管理人和托管人的决定者,在整个基金的发展中扮演着不可忽视的角色。而基金发起人是否证券投资基金的当事人理论界一直存在争论,因而深入探讨基金发起人的法律地位,仍有非常重要理论和实际意义。本文将立足于基金立法目的,在对契约式基金的结构重新构造的基础上对基金发起人的法律地位作一点探讨。(trustlaws.net编辑)

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