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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

Article 18

Representation and confidentiality

1.             The parties may be represented or assisted by any person during the arbitral proceedings.

2.      A party shall advise the other parties in writing of

a. the names and addresses of those persons who are representing or assisting it; and

b. the capacity in which each of those persons is acting.

3.             Unless the parties expressly agree in writing to the contrary, the parties agree to keep confidential all awards arising from the proceedings, together with all evidence and materials created for the purpose of the arbitration and all other documents produced by another party in the proceeding not otherwise in the public domain, except and to the extent that disclosure is required by law, is required to protect or pursue a legal right or is required to enforce or challenge an award in legal proceedings before a court or other competent judicial authority.

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