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当前位置: 首页 > 民法 > 民事责任 > 民事责任的免责事由 >
www.110.com 2010-07-13 10:10


  【英文摘要】The principle of no-fault liability is a special kind of tort liability principles, it is only in the special provisions of law apply. The principle of no-fault liability as an independent principle of attribution, which is the value of its existence and intent of the decision. The principle of no-fault liability given a clear and reasonable definition, for our more comprehensive and accurate grasp of their legal responsibilities and other features, as well as lay the foundation for the comparison. Principles of tort liability and other different parts of the adjustment of special types of violations, but also has its own unique application of the rules. However, the principle of no-fault liability side is not entirely inclined to the victim, perpetrators can be of the law negates the statutory reasons in favor of exemption. The principle of no-fault liability for a comprehensive and correct understanding will help better guide the judicial practice, the promotion of social equity, justice and harmony.


  【英文关键词】The principle of no-fault liability;The scope of application;Applicable rules;Exemptions




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