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(i) In addition to the Statement of Claim and the Statement of Defence, the parties each may only submit one written statement, including statements of evidence;

(ii) the statements must be brief; and

(iii) the time limits within which the documents shall be submitted may not exceed ten working days.

(6) The Arbitrator may order a party to finally state his claims for relief and the facts relied on as grounds thereof, and the evidence on which the party relies. At the expiration of the time period for such statement, the party may not amend his claim for relief nor adduce additional facts or evidence, unless the Arbitrator, for special reasons, so permits.

(7) Article 8 shall apply with respect to communication from the Arbitrator.


Article 17
Statement of Claim and Defence

(1) The Claimant shall, within the period of time determined by the Arbitrator, submit a Statement of Claim which, unless previously provided in the case, shall include:

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