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11. Number of Arbitrators

11.1 The parties are free to agree that the arbitral tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator or of three arbitrators.

11.2 In the absence of such an agreement, the tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator, unless the CCIG decides to form a tribunal of three arbitrators on account of the amount in dispute, of the nature and of the complexity of the dispute.

12. Appointment of the Arbitrators

12.1 Sole Arbitrator

The parties may select the sole arbitrator by mutual agreement. In the absence of such a selection within a thirty-day time limit set by the CCIG, the CCIG shall appoint the sole arbitrator.

12.2 Tribunal of Three Arbitrators

If the agreement to arbitrate provides for a tribunal of three arbitrators, each party shall select a coarbitrator respectively in the request for arbitration and in the answer. In the absence of a selection by a party, the CCIG shall appoint the coarbitrator.

If the CCIG decides to form a tribunal of three arbitrators pursuant to Article 11.2, each party shall select a coarbitrator upon the request of the CCIG. Failing such a selection by a party within a thirty-day time limit set by the CCIG, the CCIG shall appoint the coarbitrator.

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