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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

8.2 Unless the arbitrator otherwise directs the arbitration will proceed on the basis of pleadings exchanged as hereafter set out.

8.3 All pleadings should contain all allegations of fact or matters of opinion which it is intended to establish by evidence and set out all items of relief or other remedies sought together with the total value of all quantifiable sums claimed, and must be signed by or on behalf of the party advancing it. Where a Respondent denies any allegation (a) he must state his reasons for doing so; and (b) if he intends to put forward a different version of events from that given by the Claimant he must state his own version.

8.4 Parties may (i) include in any pleading statements of law or of evidence; (ii) give the name of any witnesses whom they propose to call; or (iii) attach or serve with any pleading a copy of any document which they consider necessary to their claim including any expert report, but are under no obligation to do any of these things.

8.5 Where a claim is based on a written agreement a copy of the contract or any documents constituting the agreement should be attached to or served with the Particulars of Claim.

8.6 Unless the arbitrator otherwise directs the parties will exchange pleadings as

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