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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36


(a) The AAA shall simultaneously submit to each party an identical list of five proposed arbitrators drawn from its National Roster from which one arbitrator shall be appointed.


(b) The parties are encouraged to agree to an arbitrator from this list and to advise the AAA of their agreement. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator, each party may strike two names from the list and return it to the AAA within seven days from the date of the AAA’s mailing to the parties.  If for any reason the appointment of an arbitrator cannot be made from the list, the AAA may make the appointment from other members of the panel without the submission of additional lists.


(c) The parties will be given notice by the AAA of the appointment of the arbitrator, who shall be subject to disqualification for the reasons specified in Section R-17.  The parties shall notify the AAA within seven days of any objection to the arbitrator appointed.  Any such objection shall be for cause and shall be confirmed in writing to the AAA with a copy to the other party or parties.


E-5. Exchange of Exhibits

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