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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

1.  Before the setting up of the arbitral tribunal and in the presence of a request for A.I.A. arbitration, the interested party may petition the Permanent Committee for the granting of the urgent measures provided for at Article 19.
The petition, together with the arguments and documents supporting same, must be sent to the Secretariat in four copies together with proof of the payment of the pertinent fees provided for in the Schedule of arbitration costs.
2.  After the setting-up of the arbitral tribunal, the petition must be sent to each of the arbitrators, with a copy to the Secretariat.




1.  The request for arbitration, the answer and the reply thereto must be sent to the Secretariat in as many copies as there are arbitrators plus one, as well as to the other party. If the number of the arbitrators has not been determined, and as long as their number remains undetermined, the transmission to the Secretariat shall be made in two copies. Additional copies may subsequently be requested.
2.  If the documentation presented by one or other of the parties appears to be incomplete or to have been incorrectly transmitted, the Secretariat shall invite the party concerned to provide accordingly.

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