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When requested to do so, the Court may assist the parties and the arbitrator in commencing and conducting the proceedings in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules on the terms it shall establish in each case.
3.  Where there exist strong reasons of expediency, the Court may decide to abstain from providing its assistance for the purposes mentioned above, without the need of giving its reasons therefor and without said action's affecting the validity of the agreements between the parties.
4.  The court is made up of no fewer than three and no more than twelve members appointed by the A.I.A. Council which also appoints, among the Court's members, the Chairman and, where it considers it useful, one or more Vice-Chairmen. The members of the Court shall hold office for three years and may be reappointed. At the expiry of the term, each member shall remain in office for so long as it shall be necessary to complete the tasks assigned to the member on the basis of paragraph 5 below.
5.  The tasks assigned to the Court in the Rules shall be carried out by the Chairman or by whoever acts in his stead or, upon decision of the Chairman, by the Court in plenary session with the participation of at least half of the members of the Court, or by one or several members of the Court.
6.  The Court, in plenary session, shall decide by a vote of the majority of the members present. In the case of a draw vote, the vote of the Chairman or of whoever acts in his stead shall prevail.
7.  Upon decision of the Chairman, the Court may decide by mail vote of the majority of its members. If the voting results in a draw, the Chairman's vote shall prevail.
8.  Where outside the context of the A.I.A. Rules for Arbitration, the A.I.A. is requested to appoint an arbitrator or an expert or to carry out an activity complementary to arbitral proceedings, the Secretariat of the Court shall determine the fees taking into account the Schedule of arbitration costs.

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