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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

1.  Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the request, the answer to same and the reply to the counterclaim shall be made in the language of the contract.
2.  In the absence of an agreement between the parties within the period of time fixed for the answer to the request for arbitration, the arbitrator shall determine the language of the arbitration taking into account the circumstances and, in particular, the language used in the contract in relation to which the dispute has arisen and in the correspondence between the parties.
3.  The arbitrator can authorize or request translations or interpretations, at the care and expense of the party who has justified same.




1.  Where the parties have not agreed upon the law applicable to the merits or have not agreed that the arbitrator shall decide ex aequo et bono, the arbitrator shall apply the law most closely connected to the contract.
2.  The arbitrator shall decide ex aequo et bono only if the parties agree thereto.

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