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(1) The manner of conducting the proceedings is to be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal in compliance with the conditions set down in the arbitration agreement and these Rules, with due account taken to the wishes of the parties.

(2) The Arbitral Tribunal may decide that the Chairman alone may make procedural rulings.

(3) The Arbitral Tribunal shall maintain the confidentiality of the arbitration and conduct each case in an impartial, practical and expeditious manner, giving each party sufficient opportunity to present its case.

(4) The Arbitral Tribunal may, after consultation with the parties, decide to conduct hearings at a location other than the Place of Arbitration.

(5) Article 12 shall apply with respect to communications from the Arbitral Tribunal.


Article 21 Statement of Claim and Defence

(1) The Claimant shall, within the period of time determined by the Arbitral Tribunal, submit a Statement of Claim which, unless previously provided in the case, shall include;

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