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(i) comments regarding the Request for Arbitration by the Claimant; and
(ii) if applicable, a statement identifying the arbitrator appointed by the Respondent, including such arbitrator's address, telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail address.

(2) If the Respondent wishes to raise any objection concerning the validity or applicability of the arbitration agreement, such objection shall be made in the Reply together with the grounds therefore.

(3) If the Respondent wishes to file a counterclaim or a set-off claim, a statement to that effect should be made in the Reply and should include the nature of the claim and a preliminary statement of the relief sought. The grounds for any counterclaim or set-off claim must be based on the arbitration agreement.

(4) The SCC Institute shall communicate the Respondent's Reply to the Claimant. The Claimant shall be given an opportunity to comment on any objections and pleas advanced by the Respondent

(5) Failure by the Respondent to submit a Reply shall not prevent the arbitration from proceeding pursuant to these Rules.

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