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(ii) a summary of the dispute;
(iii) a preliminary statement of the relief sought by the Claimant;
(iv) a copy of the arbitration agreement or clause under which the dispute is to be settled; and
(v) if applicable, a statement identifying the arbitrator appointed by the Claimant, including such arbitrator's address, telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail address.

Article 6 Registration Fee

(1) At the same time as the Request for Arbitration is filed, the Claimant shall pay a Registration Fee. The amount of the fee is fixed in accordance with the SCC Institute's Regulations for Arbitration Costs in force on the date of the Request for Arbitration.

(2) If the required Registration Fee is not paid when filing the Request for Arbitration, the SCC Institute will fix a period of time within which the Claimant must pay such fee.


Article 7 Dismissal

If it is clear that the SCC Institute lacks jurisdiction over the dispute or if the Registration Fee has not been paid in due time, the Claimant's Request for Arbitration shall be dismissed.

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