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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

      If the notice of request for arbitration names two or more claimants or two or more respondents and the parties do not agree on the appointment process within 30 days of delivery of the notice, the Centre shall appoint all three arbitrators under Article 8(2)(d).

Article 8

Method of appointment

1.             The Centre shall appoint an arbitrator as promptly as possible after the request of a party under Article 6 or 7.

2.      Unless the Centre determines that it is not appropriate in a particular case, the Centre shall use the following list procedure:

a. the Centre shall communicate to both parties an identical list of at least three names;

b. within a period of 15 days following receipt of the list referred to in (a), each party shall return the list to the Centre after having

i. deleted any name to which it objects, and

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