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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

(b) In case of the resignation or death or termination of authority of an appointed arbitrator under Sub-Rule(a) above, a new arbitrator will be appointed in his place by the Registrar in case he had appointed the original arbitrator. Where the appointment was made by the Parties, the Registrar shall call upon the Party who had appointed the arbitrator to nominate another arbitrator in his place. If any Party refuses or neglects to nominate an arbitrator within 15 days of the date of notice requiring him to nominate the arbitrator or within such extended time, the Registrar shall nominate the arbitrator on behalf of that Party from among the Panel of Arbitrators.

(c) The arbitrator(s) appointed as above will be informed about the reconstitution of the arbitral tribunal and the reconstituted arbitral tribunal shall make the award expeditiously within the time prescribed under Rule 63 from the date when the reconstituted arbitral tribunal enters on the reference. The reconstituted arbitral tribunal shall proceed with the arbitration with the liberty to act on the record of evidence and proceedings as then existing or to commence the proceedings de novo.


Rule 28

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