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No party to the arbitration shall have any objection to the publication of awards as above provided that the names and addresses of any Party to the dispute will be omitted from such publication and its identity duly concerned if so desired by such party.

Rule 69

Additional copies of the award certified true by the Registrar shall be made available to the parties but to no one else, at all times at request and on payment as fixed by the Registrar.

Rule 70

A party shall in all things abide by and obey the award which shall be binding on the Parties and their respective representative, notwithstanding the death of any party before or after the making of the award and such death shall not operate as revocation of the submission or reference. To avoid delays and further litigation, the arbitrators/Registrar shall ask the Parties to agree that the award made by the arbitrators/s shall be final and binding on the Parties and neither Party shall be entitled to challenge it in the Court of law.

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