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www.110.com 2010-08-02 17:17


  【英文摘要】The economic crisis has provided opportunities and challenges for environmental protection, and new requirements for environmental resources legislative work. The article first analyzes the new situation Chinas Environmental Resources protection is facing in the context of economic crisis, and then points out shortcomings of Chinas environmental resources legislation from the completeness, timeliness, consistency and effectiveness of four areas of the Legislation, combines with national legislation practice, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Finally, a comprehensive system of thought on the legislative work of the future development trends of Chinas environmental resources legislation, pointing out the future development of Chinas environmental legislation in the hope that it can play a guiding role for future theoretical studies of environmental resources law and legislation work in practice.


  【英文关键词】Economic Crisis; Environmental Resources Legislation; Systems Thinking



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