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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:28


[2]UNCITRAL Model Law
[6] 杨良宜:《国际商务仲裁》[M]. 第1版.北京:中国政法大学出版社,1997;112-113

How to validate the arbitration agreement

Key word:arbitration agreement valid factor validating the arbitration agreement
Abstract:Arbitration agreement ,as a footstone of international commercial arbitration,has strong civil quality.Since all parties would like to render their dispute to arbitration,they are subject to the desicion of arbitration.So arbitration is not dependent on litigation but in dependent to resolve dispute.The Kompetenz-Kompetenz rule should be as essential principle validating the arbitration agreement,although the support and supervision of court is indispensable,the independence should not be impaired.

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