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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36


(1) The parties may agree on the use of one or two languages to be used in the proceeding or, in the absence of such agreement, each party may select a language for this purpose; provided always that the Tribunal, after consultation with the Secretary-General, gives its approval for the language or languages selected under this paragraph.


(2) If two procedural languages are approved for the proceeding, any instrument may be filed in either such language. Statements made before the Tribunal or by one of its members in one procedural language shall, unless the Tribunal decides to dispense therewith, be interpreted into the other procedural language. The orders and the award of the Tribunal shall be rendered and the minutes kept in both procedural languages, both versions being equally authentic.


(3) The Tribunal may authorize the use of a language other than a procedural language for a specified part of the proceeding. In such event it shall determine to what extent translation and interpretation into and from the procedural language or languages is required.


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