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  4. Roberto  Unger,False  Necessiyy,  Cambridge Univereity,  Press, 1987.

  5. Alfred  Stepan,Meta-Institutiol  Frameworks and Democratic Consdidation for thcoming,  1992.

  6. Matthew  Shugart  and  John  Carey,  Presidents and Assembfies,  Cambridge

  7. and  internretaiio……variiamentarr siections in Early  Stuart  England‘’,  in  K.  R.  Monrce,  ed.  The Economic  Approach  to  Poliyics,  Harper,  1991.

  8. Edward  Green,  ``On  the  Emergence  of  Parliamentary  Government,  The Role  of  Private information,5,  in  Federal Resave  Bank  of Minneapofis Quarterly Review,  Winter,  1993.

  9. Carl  Schmitt,  The  Crisis  of parfiamentary Democracy,

  10.Douglass  North,  Institutions,  IntituiionalChange  and Ecoiance,  Cambridge  University  Press,  1991.


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