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Article 12 Powers and Jurisdiction of the Arbitrator

12.1 Without prejudice to the generality of Article 5.1 and unless the parties at any time agree otherwise, the Arbitrator shall have the power and/or jurisdiction to:

(a) allow any party, upon such terms (as to costs and otherwise) as the Arbitrator shall determine, to amend any document submitted under Article 6;

(b) extend or abbreviate any time limits provided by the Rules or by his directions;

(c) conduct such enquiries as may appear to the Arbitrator to be necessary or expedient;

(d) order the parties to make any property or thing available for inspection, in their presence, by the Arbitrator or any Assessor;

(e) order any party to produce to the Arbitrator, and to the other parties for inspection, and to supply copies of any documents or classes of documents in their possession, custody or power which the Arbitrator determines to be relevant;

(f) order the rectification in any contract or arbitration agreement of any mistake which he determines to be common to the parties;

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