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Tribunal may be equal to one third of the standard arbitration fee and payable by the party having caused the adjournment.

The Arbitration Tribunal decides whether this measure is to be implemented.




Article 32

Adoption of the Rules of Arbitration herein by the parties in arbitration shall necessarily imply their acceptance that the conventional time limit for consideration of any case by the Arbitrators of First and Second Degree Arbitration Tribunals is set at one year from the date of the formal recording of the undertaking to sit by each of the Arbitrators as well as of the setting up of the Arbitration Tribunal in which they are to sit.

However, after the First Degree Arbitration Tribunal has ruled on its provisional award, the proceedings are held to continue until expiry of the time limit for application at second Degree as provided for by Articles 17 and 18 above.

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