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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

If the application for urgent consideration of the case is refused, the application shall be treated

according to standard procedure.

If the application for urgent consideration of the case is granted, the Arbitration Tribunal shall be composed of five Arbitrators nominated or appointed as follows:

1) The President of the Chambre Arbitrale shall appoint three Arbitrators, among them the Chairman of the Arbitration Tribunal.

2) Where the proceedings are taken against a single defendant, the claimant shall have the right to nominate in his application for arbitration one Arbitrator who may be chosen from the list already drawn up by the Chambre Arbitrale or who satisfies the criteria set out in Article 7 herein.

The defendant shall have the same right subject to a time limit of 8 days from the date of receipt of the notification of the application for arbitration.

If one of the parties has not availed himself of his right to nominate an Arbitrator, the President of the Chambre Arbitrale shall do so.

3) If there are more than two parties to the action, the President of the Chambre Arbitrale shall appoint all five Arbitrators on the panel of the Arbitration Tribunal.

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