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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

Any period which would normally expire on a Saturday, a Sunday, a bank-holiday or a non-working day shall be extended until the first following working day.

A proceedings is barred by limitation when neither party has accomplished any diligence for a threeyear period. This time limitation may be pronounced ex officio by the President of the Chambre Arbitrale after a reminder to parties made by registered letter with advice of receipt has given no result. In case of time-limitation, all advance deposits shall become the property of the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris.




Article 35

Implementation of an exceptional urgent procedure may be requested at the time of the application for arbitration accompanied by the deposit of a non refundable lump sum amounting to four times the fixed part of the first bracket of the Chambre Arbitrale's scale of fees and being deductible from the advance deposit mentioned in article 38, paragraph 3.

It is incumbent on the President of the Chambre Arbitrale to decide at the earliest opportunity if such a procedure is to be implemented ; he is under no obligation to justify his decision.

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