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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36



The P.A.R.A.D procedure is a contradictorily held arbitration procedure, expeditious and simplified to facilitate and to accelerate the recovery of small money claims that qualify as being unquestionable, liquid and due.

This procedure complements the existing proceedings provided for in the Arbitration Rules of the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris.

The collection of a money claim may be pursued under the P.A.R.A.D. procedure when the money claim has a contractual ground and does not exceed in principal the amount of 700,000 French Francs (or 106.714 euros or equivalent in another currency as of the date of the arbitration claim), not including damages and/or indemnities under article 700 of the N.C.P.C (New French Code of Civil Procedure).

The P.A.R.A.D. procedure shall not apply where several claimants or defendants are involved.

The mandate and powers of the Arbitration Tribunal ruling under the P.A.R.A.D. procedure are set forth exhaustively in the following provisions.


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