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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

2. Agreement of Parties

2(1) These Rules and all amendments to them shall be deemed to have been made a part of any Arbitration Agreement which provides for arbitration by ADR Chambers and any arbitration which takes place with ADR Chambers.

2(2) Subject to approval by ADR Chambers, these Rules may be varied at any time by agreement between the parties.

2(3) In the event that any provision of these Rules is in conflict with any applicable law from which the parties can not derogate, the provisions of that law shall prevail.

3. Initiating Arbitration

3(1) Parties to any existing dispute may commence an arbitration under these Rules by filing at any office of ADR Chambers two copies of a written submission to arbitration under these Rules, signed by the parties. It shall contain a statement of the nature of the dispute, the names and addresses of all parties, any claims and counterclaims, the amount involved, if any, the remedy sought, and the hearing locale requested, together with the appropriate filing fee as provided in these rules. Unless the parties state otherwise in the submission, all claims and counterclaims will be deemed to be denied by the other party.

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