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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

3(2) The party booking an appointment shall be responsible for contacting the other party or parties and providing them with the particulars of the appointment and by providing ADR Chambers with a deposit. The party booking an appointment shall be responsible for notifying the Coordinator about any cancellations or changes to the appointment.

3(3) All changes to the appointment shall be subject to the availability of ADR Chambers and confirmation by the Co-ordinator.

4. Selection of Arbitrator(s)

4(1) The parties shall be at liberty, acting unanimously, to select a particular arbitrator or panel of arbitrators from the current ADR Chambers list of Panel Members.

4(2) In the event that the Parties cannot agree on a specific arbitrator or arbitrators, the Co-ordinator at ADR Chambers shall appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators for them.

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