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conciliator concerned shall be replaced according to the provisions laid down for his or her own appointment if this is considered necessary by the Bureau.

Article 18: Safeguarding Existing Means of Settlement

1)In the situations referred to by Article 19, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention, the

conciliation commission shall take no further action and have the case removed from the List.

2) In the situation referred to by Article 19, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the commission shall suspend the conciliation proceedings. The proceedings shall be resumed, at the request of the parties or one of them, if the procedure resulting in the suspension failed to produce a settlement of the dispute.

3) In the situation referred to by Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the commission shall take no further action and have the case removed from the List upon the request of one of the parties if it is satisfied that the dispute is covered by the reservation.

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