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2) If an arbitrator, having previously taken part in the case or for any other reason, refuses to sit, he or she shall be replaced according to the procedure laid down for his or her own appointment, except for ex officio members of the tribunal who shall be replaced by their alternates. If the alternate is in the same situation, the State concerned shall appoint a member according to the procedure laid down in Article 28, paragraph 5, of the Convention.

3) In the event of death, or of a prolonged inability or refusal to sit during the proceedings, an ex officio member of the tribunal shall be replaced by his or her alternate. If the alternate is in the same situation, the State concerned shall appoint a member according to the procedure laid down in Article 28, paragraph 5, of the Convention. A member appointed by the Bureau shall only be replaced, in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 7, of the Convention, if the number of members appointed by the Bureau falls below the number of ex officio members or members appointed by the parties to the dispute under paragraph 5 of the same Article. If the member concerned was the chairman of the tribunal, a new chairman shall then be elected.

Article 26: Safeguarding Existing Means of Settlement

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