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www.110.com 2010-07-26 10:55



  关键词:行政行为  公定力  妨害公务  移植与自构

  The theory for presumed validity of administrative action has never deviated from the administrative law scholars‘ vision field during the past twenty years’ development. However, as regards this imported theory, there have always been two trends among the academics. One is reliance on transplantation in terms of the relationship between transplantation and self-construction. The other is emphasis on principles in terms of the relationship between principles and techniques. Actually, on the value norm, this theory could be renarrated to fit the democratic polity. On the technical norm, its claim that to defy the administrative action with presumed validity may commit the interference with public function could also be supported by the element theory of the action of interference with public function in the criminal law. Therefore, to get rid of the reliance on transplantation and the negligence of technical norms is not only an inevitable road for the rebirth of this theory, but also a direction of further efforts even if we decide to abandon this theory.

  Key words:dministrative action,  presumed validity of administrative action, interference of public function, transplantation and self-construction



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