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Article 25. Disclosure by Arbitrator of Disqualifications

(1) Upon being notified of his appointment as an arbitrator, he shall immediately   disclose in writing to the Secretariat any and all circumstances which might cause reasonable question about his fairness or independence.
(2) Upon receipt of such disclosure of information as prescribed in Paragraph (1), the Secretariat shall immediately disclose it to both the Tribunal and the parties. If either party wishes to raise any objection to the appointment of such arbitrator(s), he or she shall make the challenge within 15 days from the date of the establishment of the Tribunal or from the date when the party making the challenge was informed of those circumstances provided in Paragraph (1) of this Article. But, if either party does not submit any objection within the above period, he can not submit any objection to the qualification of such arbitrator(s) on the same grounds.
(3) If either party submits an objection to the appointment of such questioned arbitrator(s) on the ground of notified reason, the vacancy thus created shall be filled in the same method as provided in Article 26.

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